As the collection is executed locally, the following scripts can be used to download the collection and environment from Postman web, generate the jwt assertion, update the environment with the jwt-assertion and then executing newman to run the test on the collection:
Generating the jwt-assertion and executing the newman script:
Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
#!/bin/bash PRIVATE_KEY_ES256=$2 CLIENT_ID=$1 ISSUER="https://logindev.wipo.int/am/oauth2" # https://logindev.wipo.int/am/oauth2/.well-known/openid-configuration OIDC_CONFIG_JSON=$(curl -k "${ISSUER}/.well-known/openid-configuration") # Generic way to obtain the token endpoint TOKEN_ENDPOINT=$(printf '%s' ${OIDC_CONFIG_JSON} | jq -r ".token_endpoint") echo $TOKEN_ENDPOINT UTC_TIME=$(date -u +%s) EXP_TIME=$(expr "$UTC_TIME" + 1000) JSON='{' JSON=${JSON}$(printf '"iss":"%s"' ${CLIENT_ID}) JSON=${JSON}$(printf ',"sub":"%s"' ${CLIENT_ID}) JSON=${JSON}$(printf ',"aud":"%s"' ${TOKEN_ENDPOINT}) JSON=${JSON}$(printf ',"exp":%s' ${EXP_TIME}) JSON=${JSON}'}' JSON_HEADER_B64=$(printf '{"alg":"ES256","typ":"JWT"}' | jq . -cj | base64 -w0 | tr -d '\n=' | tr '+/' '-_') # echo $JSON_HEADER_B64 JSON_PAYLOAD_B64=$(printf $JSON | jq . -cj | base64 -w0 | tr -d '\n=' | tr '+/' '-_') JSON_SIGNATURE_ASN1_B64=$(printf '%s.%s' $JSON_HEADER_B64 $JSON_PAYLOAD_B64 | openssl dgst -sha256 -sign "${PRIVATE_KEY_ES256}" | openssl asn1parse -inform DER | base64 -w0) JSON_SIGNATURE_HEX=$(printf $JSON_SIGNATURE_ASN1_B64 | base64 -d | sed -n '/INTEGER/p' | sed 's/.*INTEGER\s*://g' | sed -z 's/[^0-9A-F]//g') JSON_SIGNATURE_B64=$(printf $JSON_SIGNATURE_HEX | xxd -p -r | base64 -w0 | tr -d '\n=' | tr '+/' '-_') JWT_ASSERTION=$(printf '%s.%s.%s' $JSON_HEADER_B64 $JSON_PAYLOAD_B64 $JSON_SIGNATURE_B64) echo echo $JWT_ASSERTION sed 's/\"key\"\:\"client\-assertion\"\,\"value\"\:\"[^"]*\"/\"key\"\:\"client\-assertion\"\,\"value\"\:\"'${JWT_ASSERTION}'\"/g' config/environment.json > ./config/updated_environment.json sed 's/\"src\"\:\"\/home\/berlicki\/Github\/workspaceAngular\/das_initial\/api-test\/US17088314A1\.zip\"\}\}/\"src\"\:\".\/config\/US17088314A1.zip\"}}/g' config/collection.json > ./config/updated_collection.json echo "going to execute Newman now with the new values" #set HTTP_PROXY= newman run ./config/updated_collection.json --folder " Registration of a priority document" -e ./config/updated_environment.json --insecure --verbose #docker run --network host -v ${PWD}/config:/etc/newman -t postman/newman run /etc/newman/collection.json --folder " getToken" -e /etc/newman/updated_environment.json --insecure --verbose |
Newman execution options:
If newman is installed, it can be executed directly as this: