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Applications for national UK patents went from 22,815 in 2015 to 22,068 in 2016 (-3%). Of these, applications from UK residents decreased from 65% of applications in 2015 to 63% in 2016.  The number of Patents granted increased from 5464 in 2015 to 5602 in 2016 (+2.5%). 

Other matters and useful links (URLs): annual report of the Office, news page, statistics, etc.

Our website  moved in October 2014 to a new Government website GOV.UK and the new web address is now:   


Statistics related to patents at the Intellectual Property Office can be accessed through the annual reports, annual reviews and facts and figures at:






Classification1, preclassification2 (if applicable), reclassification3 activities; classification systems used (e.g., International Patent Classification (IPC)); matters concerning indexing of patent information


These are prepared in-house in a 5 week publication cycle using a bespoke IT system linked to PDAX (the IPO’s electronic case management system).  The front page is compiled by downloading bibliographic data (XML format) from the corporate database OPTICS and is married with the abstract text from our internal examiner database (PROSE).  The abstract drawing is extracted from PDAX and merged to finalise the front page. The finished front page is added to the rest of the specification pages from PDAX and reproduced in a single PDF image. The PDF image is then loaded onto the IPO’s publication server on our external website for customer download.  The IPO no longer publishes “A” documents in paper format, the official publication means being electronic (please see the following link):  


The PDF A documents are then transferred via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) to the EPO.  This is done on a weekly basis and includes a separate ST.36 XML file for the bibliographical and full text abstract data.


These are prepared in-house in a 5 week publication cycle using a bespoke IT system linked to PDAX (the IPO’s electronic case management system).  The front page is compiled by downloading bibliographic data (XML format) from the corporate database OPTICS and merged with the rest of the specification pages from PDAX and reproduced in a single PDF image.  The PDF image is then loaded onto the IPO’s publication server on our external website for customer download.  The IPO no longer publishes “B” documents in paper format; the official publication means being electronic (see the following link):

The PDF B documents are then transferred via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) to the EPO.  This is done on a weekly basis and includes a separate ST.36 XML file for the bibliographical data.

Corrected ‘Errata’-Documents (A8, A9, B8 & C)

These are prepared in-house in a 2 week publication cycle using a bespoke IT system linked to PDAX (the IPO’s electronic case management system).  The front page is compiled by downloading bibliographic data (XML format) from the corporate database COPS and merged with the rest of the specification pages from PDAX and reproduced in a single PDF image.  The PDF image is then loaded onto the IPO’s publication server on our external website for customer download.  The IPO no longer publishes “errata” documents in paper format, the official publication means being electronic (please see the following link:  

The PDF Errata documents are then transferred via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) to the EPO.  This is done on a weekly basis and includes a separate ST.36 XML file for the bibliographical data.  



Specific software tools supporting business procedures within the Office: general description, characteristics, advantages, possible improvements 

We use Microsoft Windows 7 which provides an integrated and extensive network of applications that are available to all staff. The desktop environment is provided by virtual machines running on a server which are accessed via thin clients rather than desktop PCs. Word processing can be carried out using Word 2007; all other MS Office applications, including Outlook for e mail and PowerPoint and Excel are available; all major classification keys that are used by the examiners are accessible, as are office notices, manuals, search tools including access to online databases, internal and external telephone directories, translation software, management and administration information etc.  


Copies of documents cited in search reports are produced by the in-house Computerised Image Management System (CIMS) for supply to applicants, and in addition this system has been extended to enable the ad hoc ordering by technical staff of any types of patent documentation, direct from their desktop. All staff have access to the Internet and to the office intranet and have their own e-mail (via Microsoft Outlook) and official e-mail address.

Hardware used to supporting business processes of the Office

Staff access their Windows 7 desktops via thin clients (WYSE terminals) which are connected to 24 inch wide screen monitors.


Our Business Outreach and Education Team continues to raise awareness of IP giving businesses that could be more successful through better use of IP, access to informed advice and support that enables them to use, manage, and enforce their IP to its fullest potential.  This is done via a portfolio of business tools including mobile and online resources, seminars, workshops and training, working with partners to deliver broader dissemination and understanding of IP

Education and training: training courses, e-learning modules (URLs), seminars, exhibitions, etc.

We continue to communicate IP awareness to young people, partnering with Aardman to provide online resources for young people and educators to raise awareness of innovation, creativity and intellectual property amongst 4 - 16 year olds.  This is delivered through the Cracking Ideas website in the format of resource packs with links to education curriculums, IP challenges, games and a nationwide competition designed to encourage children to be innovative, enterprising and create new ideas.

 We have introduced a new online tool for Universities (IP Tutor) helping students and lecturers understand intellectual property rights.


Please see the following link for further information

It is also possible to exchange priority documents in paper and on CD provided the appropriate electronic signature is provided.
