Annual Technical Report 2012 on Trademark Information Activities submitted by Lithuania (CWS/ATR/TM/2012/LT)
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I. Evolution of registration activities
Employees of IT Division of the State Patent Bureau of Lithuania maintained TMView system, providing information on trademarks registered by the SPB to the portal of the Office for Harmonization of the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM).
Online trademark database was improved by adding seniority data.
Technical requirements were drafted together with the Appeals Division of the SPB for internal and online databases of trademark appeals and oppositions, software development services were bought and installation of these databases was being proceeded. Information on trademark appeals and oppositions shall be published on the website of the SPB and accessible to everyone.
Specification of the Trademark register has been agreed with Information Society Development Committee. It described the purpose of the register, goals, objectives, the available status of the register, modular and functional structure, information streams and processes, functions performed at the workstation and their interconnection and requirements set for the register.
In the very end of 2012 in close collaboration of the State Patent Bureau with the Office of Harmonization for the Internal Market (trademarks and designs) (OHIM) according to Cooperation fund programme for Lithuania OHIM Seniority project was implemented. The project allows seeing the information on the Community trademarks which have an earlier validity date based on the trademark registration in Lithuania in the Database of the Trademarks of the Republic of Lithuania
External databases
CTM ONLINE database on OHIM's web-site;
TMview database on OHIM's web -site
ROMARIN database on WIPO's web-site
In 2012, Lithuanian industrial property statistical data had been submitted to WIPO to be published in its publication Industrial Property Statistics