Videos have been posted in the Electronic Interaction with Applicants section. The number of views of the video on preparing an application for an invention totalled totaled 2,444.
- The FIPS technical support service is conducting a review of requests from users of electronic services.
- Any interested person may obtain the necessary knowledge and practical experience in preparing documentation electronically for applications for the grant of a patent for an invention or utility model. One-to-one training is conducted in the computer room of the patent library, and is free-of-charge.
- Information noticesnotices in the Trademarks, Service Marks, and Appellations of Origin section:
- Fees section: http://www.rupto.ru/ru/activities/dues;
- Fee calculator: http://new.fips.ru/podacha-zayavki/kalkulyator-poshlin/index.php;
- modern technologies in public administration;
- socio-economic socioeconomic development of the Russian Federation;
- effectiveness of control and supervisory activities;
- use of digital technologies in the socio-economic socioeconomic sphere and public administration;
- regulatory and legislative activities.