The annual customer satisfaction survey for IPR rights procedures gave the following results: TMs, 3,9/5, PT = 3,7/5 and DS=4/5, where 5 is very satisfied. The customers is overall satisfied with small variations between customer types, and stable from year to year.
For the specialized commercial services the office provided, the customer ratings are: TM = 3,8/4, PT = 3,9/4 and DS = 4/4, where 4 is very satisfied.
The patent statistics:
2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Patent applications in total | 1 580 | 1 410 | 1 398 |
National applications from Norwegian applicants | 899 | 806 | 782 |
National applications from other applicants | 123 | 88 | 101 |
International designations from Norwegian applicants | 49 | 59 | 37 |
International designation from other applicants | 509 | 457 | 478 |
Percent applications from Norwegian applicants | 60% | 61% | 59% |
Number of decisions | 1 655 | 1 373 | 1 464 |
European Patent received for validation in Norway | 6 930 | 5 201 | 5 944 |
Total number of patents in force | 48 402 | 51 086 | 53 323 |
Annual report only in Norwegian: https://www.patentstyret.no/en/media/documents/Annual%20reports/aarsrapport-2023.pdf