Annual Technical Report 2005 on Trademark Information Activities submitted by Kyrgyzstan (SCIT/ATR/TM/2005/KG)
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I. Evolution of registration activities
In 2005 Kyrgyzpatent received 531 applications for granting of titles of protection for trademarks.
358 trademarks were registered in the State Register of Trademarks.
II. Matters concerning the generation, reproduction, and distribution of secondary sources of trademark information, i.e., trademark gazettes
Announcements on 365 trademarks registered in the State Register of Trademarks (bibliographical data, list of goods and services, pictures) were published in 12 issues of the Official Bulletin of Kyrgyzpatent “Intellectualdyk Menchik” in 2005.
The bibliographical data of trademarks the WIPO standards are stored in the Kyrgyzpatent database in machine-readable form and on the paper carriers.
III. Matters concerning classifying, reclassifying and indexing of trademark information
IX. Other relevant matters