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Outline of main policies and plans aimed at development of industrial design information activities and expected time frames for their realization.

In 2013 strategy of the Office´s Office's activities by 2016 was adopted. It contains inter-alia activities in the patent information area:

- To prepare the draft of the conception of the Office´s Office's information services development for 2014 - 2016 in accordance with the Strategic Plan of the Office;


For comparison there is the statistics on design applications and registrations of the years 2005 - 2013.


Other matters and useful links (URLs): annual report of the Office, news page, statistics, etc.
Annual Technical Reports on Designs:

Annual Reports of the IPO SR:

Design-related news

Useful links

Intellectual Property Magazine

IPO SR and IPO CZ Publications



The current version of the International Classification for Industrial Design (Locarno Classification) is used for classifying of designs, which are classified by Office´s Office's experts.

The WIPO Standard ST.80 is used for design bibliographic data coding in all relevant outcomes or records. All bibliographic data are being processed in electronic database form. The fully searchable data are updated and made available to the public daily in the Internet.


Information Centre

Within their professional consultancy activities, the Centre staff provides the public with the necessary IPR-related information personally, by telephone (+421 48 4300 131), mail or e-mail or by fax. The Information Centre includes also "Helpdesk" providing information about electronic on-line filing.

The number of requests for information increased in comparing to 2012 up to 8,020 requests. Information Centre provided 6,291 pieces of information by phone; 1,345 by e-mail; 244 personally; 139 by post and 1 piece of information was sent by fax.

Pre-diagnostics of industrial property rights

To increase the awareness of industrial property, to support innovations, creativity and competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises are the primary goals of industrial rights pre-diagnostics performed by the IPO SR experts since 2008. During 2013 the Office employees visited 13 companies from the whole Slovakia. The most of them were from Bratislava (4), Trenčín Trenna (3), Banská  Banská Bystrica (2), and Nitra (9) Self-Governing Regions. Although filing applications is not the primary goal of the pre-diagnostics, totally 155 applications in 6 years were received since implementation of this service.

Workplace of the IPO SR in Bratislava

Workplace of the Office, which was opened in 2004 offered information relating to filing applications for industrial property rights subjects last year. In the workplace, there is a filing room.


The Office publishes announcements relating to registered design publications in the Official Gazette.

The following numbers of registered designs were published in the Official Gazette 2013:

119 registered designs
77 registered designs with the extended term of validity

Official Gazette "Vestník ÚPV Vestník ÚPV SR"

Design information forms part of the Official Gazette - "Vestník ÚPV Vestník ÚPV SR", covering all industrial property rights in one publication. In 2013 the Gazette had a circulation of 130 copies, of which 28 were distributed monthly by subscription. Other copies were sent free of charge to patent information centres and contact and information points of the IPO SR, to information and consulting sites INNOINFO, within the frame of industrial property information exchange to foreign offices and as statutory copies according to the act as well.


IPO SR Official Gazette
• Extracted data from register
• Internal database system „INVENTIO"INVENTIO" for managing the industrial property subjects
• Freely accessible foreign databases

External databases

Internet databases in particular:
-Registered industrial designs database of the IPO CZ, coverage: CZ
-WIPO International Design Bulletin
-Hague Express Database (WIPO International Design Database), coverage: WIPO
-OHIM Community Trademarks Database accessible via e-search at the OHIM portal, coverage: -OHIM applications
-National database USPTO coverage US
-National database IPOUK coverage GB
-Search system Designview, coverage: OHIM, WIPO and national databases of certain EU countries
See also foreign collections of gazettes, optical discs and databases as parts of the examination file mentioned in the Chapter 4.



IPO SR makes accessible various databases on its web site.
Freely accessible national databases are:

- "Data extracted from Registers" also called "Webregisters" give public access to data extracted from design register, which are kept by the Office with the possibility of simple and advanced search or browsing results. Data concerning in particular pending design applications, all filed applications or registered designs in the register are daily updated.

- "Classification Systems" contains design classifications used in Slovakia, links to other classifications systems for classifying designs used in the world and other useful information

- Official Gazette "Vestník ÚPV Vestník ÚPV SR" may be viewed on the address - each issue is available as a one PDF file containing the whole issue. At the same time it is divided into PDF files containing only selected parts of the gazette, e.g.: patents, designs, trademarks or official announcements. In the archive on this webpage are available the previous volumes also in PDF format. The older volumes are gradually being added.

In the part "International and EU databases" there are links to the most frequently used on-line databases

Products and services

URL addresses providing basic information concerning the information services offered and information products issued by the Office and other relevant information relating to their accession and utilization

- IPO SR Official Gazette

- magazine "Intellectual Property"

- IPO SR and IPO CZ publications

- IPO SR E-zine

- on-line order forms

- price list

- data extracted from register

- IPO SR reading room

- searches

- search system Designview

- Information centre

- Contacts

The Office library provides following services to the public:

- providing general information and professional consulting assistance for the public
- lending service (Official Gazettes, special monographs and reference literature) in the reading room
- sale of special monographs and periodical publications ("Intellectual Property" in paper, Official Gazette "Vestník ÚPV Vestník ÚPV SR" on CD-ROM) upon request or on the place
- reprographic services upon request or on the place
- on-line searches in Office's search system, self-service during a personal visit
- searches upon request - orders in written and online form
- registry information provided in the reading room
- CD-ROM workstations available in the reading room

Industrial design and related information on the World Wide Web:

- general information
- information about Office activities (seminars, training courses, etc.)
- application guide and forms
- administrative fees
- relevant laws
- Annual Reports
- extracted data from register
- Official Gazette
- order forms (searches, Official Gazette, special literature)
- Locarno Classification (9-th edition)
- design classifications and related information
- annual technical reports on design information (2002-2013)


In 2013, the Office's reading room has been visited by 1 242 users and 1 218 of it were from the public. In total there were provided 6 142 borrowings of patent and other literature made available to the public and 19 554 copies of patent documents and other industrial property documents for the manual and computer search purposes, as well as copies from technical periodicals and other associated and non-patent literature were made. In 2013 there were performed 9 design searches and 40 searches on bibliographic data.

The Office's reading room serves as a WIPO deposit library as well. The deposit library fund includes 196 volumes of publications issued by WIPO, which are available for study in reading room.

The Office's reading room including the search workstation opens daily from 8:00 to 15:00.

In 2013, within the frame of mutual exchange of industrial-property information, the IPO SR continued in receiving of design information in the form of official gazettes. Non-patent literature was acquired mostly by purchase or as a gift and processed, stored according to librarian rules and made available via in-house database system "KnižnicaKnižnica" to the staff.

Patent Information Centres and Contact and Information Points

Since 2003 the Office has established 10 contact and information points, while four of them are the Patent Information Centres. They are located in state, regional and district libraries as well as in the Slovak National Library (SNK) in Martin and Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (CVTI) in Bratislava. A list of centres and points is available on the Office's web site

The main goal of patent information centres is to provide complex information services in the field of patent, trademark and industrial design information, search services, consultation and methodical assistance concerning the searching of information, making copies of required patent documents, printing records from electronic form etc. Every patent information centre serve as a contact and information point.

The main goal of contact and information points of the Office is to inform the public about where can apply for protection of the results of creative activity, and particularly to inform the general public about the existence of the national institution, which protects immaterial goods, industrial property.

The Office supported the activity of centres and contact and information points by regular sending Slovak patent specifications in paper form and the Official Gazette in electronic form, as well as all information materials and recourses resources made available to the public, publications published by Office, information pamphlets, documents and forms relating to applying for protection of industrial property rights, access to officeï‚¢s office's databases via Internet etc.

Information and Advisory Points for Innovations (InnoInfo)

The mission of InnoInfo centres operating in the regions of Slovakia is to orientate especially the small and medium sized entrepreneurs in the field of innovations and industrial property. InnoInfo centres are established in business incubators, regional advisory and information centres, regional chambers of the Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry and at the Universities of technical orientation.

In 2013 the Office co-operated parti cularly particularly with Incubator Malacky and with University Technological Incubator of the Slovak University of Technology in Brati slavaBratislava, and also with KoÅ¡ice with Košice Regional Chamber of the Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry. (We have to also point out the co-operation with the SCSTI of SR in Bratislava and the Slovak Scientific Library in KoÅ¡ice in Košice as PATLIB Centres.) The co-operation with the Slovak Library of Forestry and Wood Sciences in Zvolen, with the Technical University in Zvolen and with the Faculty of Industrial Technology in Púchov in Púchov developed in a promising way.


The Office publishes classifications, miscellanies, expert monographs, acts and related commentaries, promotional and information brochures, leaflets or translations of the WIPO and the EPO original publications (e. g. WIPO information brochure -Looking Good) providing valuable information on industrial property field to public.

The major popularisation activities of the Office in 2013 included:
• Annual Report of the Industrial Property Office of SR 2012, for the third time in electronic version;
10 pieces of the Annual Report 2012 were in full colour version for representation of the Office; also web version of the Annual Report 2012 is available on the Office's web site to public;
• 20 Years of the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic;
• International Trade Marks under the Madrid System;
• The Miscellany from the Conference Intellectual Property Protection at Universities V (CD);
• The Magazine DuÅ¡evné Vlastníctvo Magazine Duševné vlastníctvo (Intellectual Property) 1 - 4/2013, in colour, web version with quarterly delay.

For more information please see the list of publications issued by the Office


The Office also in 2013 continued with updating the web site daily to provide visitors new information on IP, to inform about upcoming conferences and other events and to update information of all relevant sites within the whole web site.

Except the updating the Office also focused on revitalisation of the web site content in 2013 resulting in easier access to searched information and better orientation of a user on the web site. The Office also started to work on new concept and structure of as one of its strategic goals within the Strategic Plan of the Office for 2012 - 2016.

There were 135,828 visitors of the web site recorded in 2013; the average number of users was 445 during working days and 163 during weekends. Trade Marks, Patents, Registers and Databases, Utility Models and Contacts were the most visited sites. 66 % of visits were from Slovakia, 5.5 % from Czech Republic and the rest 28.5 % from abroad.


The Industrial Property Office of SR created the new internet portal - - available to increase the awareness of IP and its protection in the beginning of April. It is an update of the informative multi -medial DVD Intellectual Property - the Unique Deserves Protection! issued by the Office in 2007. The portal reflects new trends in promotion of IP protection and information technologies and is linked to the official web site of the Office and also the social network
facebookFacebook. The portal focuses on public to popularise IP and to provide information on possibilities of IP protection and related services and products of the Office.


In 2013 3 specialised seminars took place within the internatinal international co-operation. The Industrial Property Office of SR in co-operation with the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information organised the seminar IP Protection in EU - services of the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (trade marks and designs) for Businessmen in Bratislava on September 24, 2013. The seminar with the same name was also organised in co-operation with the KoÅ¡ice the Košice Regional Chamber of SCCI in KoÅ¡ice in Košice on September 26, 2013. In November 2013 the 5th year of the international conference IP Protection at Universities took place in Zvolen in co-operation with the WIPO and Technical University in Zvolen. The conference focused on national and international designs protection, since the Office co-operates intensively with the Department of Furniture Design and Wood Products, the Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology, Technical University Zvolen.


In 2013 the Office continued successfully with implementation of the project of eduation education about intellectual property for pupils of elementary and high schools. During 2013 the Office organised 13 excursions with the lecture about IP protection for elementary and high schools and 17 seminars.


  • Furniture and Living in Nitra;
  • International Engineering Fair in Nitra;
  • Agrokomplex in Nitra;
  • ELO SYS in TrenčínTrenčín;
  • CONECO in Bratislava.

The Office also participated in 65th International Trade Fair Ideas - Inventions - New Products iENA 2013 in German Nuremberg in the common stand of European patent offices Internationales Patentinformationszentrum.


  • Exhibition of historical toys of the private collection of Å tefan Å korupa Štefan Škorupa from Mýto Mýto pod ÄŽumbieromĎumbierom;
  • Exhibition of counterfeit toys seized by customs officers;
  • Inventions - scientific toy.

The Office participated in the 9th year of the European festival of science - Researchers´ Researchers' Night. The Office had its expositions in the Avion Shopping Park, Bratislava, Europa Shopping Centre, Banská  Banská Bystrica and in the Shopping Centre Optima, KoÅ¡iceKošice.


Other activities


Information campaign Intellectual Property: Education, Awareness, Enforcement.

IPO SR under the guidance of the World Intellectual Property Organization launched in May 2013 information campaign "Intellectual Property: Education, Awareness, Enforcement". The fi rst first stage is aimed at children in the age 10 - 15 years. The campaign´s campaign's objective is to increase the awareness of young people about IP, its protection and methods of infringing IP rights. The children learn to think, why an original product is better and more moral than a fake and to point out fakes and piracy as the problem of the whole society. Also a questionnaire survey focusing on the knowledge level of young people between 10 - 15 years about IP and forums for discussions at 5 elementary schools in SR were realised within the campaign.
