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At the end of 2019 the Office posted a questionnaire on its website on the review of the Act  on on Design Protection, and the possible directions thereof.  Legislative work may start in 2020 by taking into consideration the observations and proposals received within the framework of the public consultation.


According to the data of the EUIPO, the number of RCD applications is increasing from year to year.  In 2019, the number of RCD applications amounted to 28.5 thousand, and that of the designs contained therein to 96.8 thousand.  Compared to 2018, the number of RCD applications increased by more than 8% and the number of designs by nearly 4%.  The average number of designs contained in Communitydesign applications Community design applications was 3.4.

Other matters and useful links (URLs): annual report of the Office, news page, statistics, etc.


The Unified Administrative System of the Office comprise comprises the bibliographic and image data, the documents and the official letters that belong to the different intellectual property rights, namely patent, plant variety protection, spc, utility model, trademark, industrial design.
The public electronic-databases GAZETTE, IP-SEARCH, E-REGISTER, E-DOSSIER are also used by the Examiners.  IP-SEARCH database has an internal version for internal use only with the additional data that are not accessible for the public.


The Unified Administrative System of the Office is used for file building covering all industrial property titles of protection.  It is updated real-time and has a daily backup storage.  All incoming documents are scanned since 2012.


The Unified Administrative System of the Office is used for file building, which covers all industrial property titles of protection.  It has a real-time update system update system and has a daily backup storage.  This system is the source of the public electronic - databases, such as GAZETTE, IP-SEARCH, E-REGISTER, E-DOSSIER.


The official journal of HIPO, the Gazette for Patents and Trade Marks, containing our official publications, is published online on the website of HIPO with free of charge access and certified by electronic signature.  Its popularity is shown by the fact that in 2019 users downloaded 157 thousand pages.

The website of HIPO ( can offer valuable information both to potential clients who are less well-informed of intellectual property matters and to professional users. The   The number of individually identifiable visitors was 483 thousand, who visited the portal on 1.45 million occasions downloading more than 16.9 million pages in 2019.  On the website there are 76 thousand files available with individual internet links.  Out of these 12 782 are HTML pages, 86% of them are in Hungarian, 14% are available in English.

Users can access useful and free of charge e-administration and information services on the website such as the e-administration, e-search or e-register.  In addition to those, they can use the TM e-Filing system to file trade mark applications, the TMview system for electronic trade mark search, as well as the Designview database, which contains designs protected in the European Union.


HIPO has contracts for an indefinite period with 16 County Chambers of Commerce and Industry and 6 PATLIB centres (in Debrecen, Miskolc, Sopron, Pécs, Győr and Szeged) to operate information points of IP protection.  These information points provide updated information for clients, and – in the cases they deem necessary – contact the central Customer Service of HIPO.  In 2019, in the framework of its activity aimed at raising IP awareness of enterprises, HIPO – in cooperation with the local chambers of commerce and industry – organised seminars combined with expert counselling for local market players in four locations: Pécs, Szeged, Veszprém and Szolnok.

Last year HIPO actively cooperated with the National Research, Development and Innovation Office in various professional programmes.  During the first half-year it participated in the consultation series, entitled National Innovation Forum, organised in 25 locations.  In autumn, the representatives of the Office were present at the event series, entitled regional innovation platform, the locations of which were Miskolc, Debrecen, Győr, Pécs, Szeged and Budapest.  On 28 November 2019, HIPO joined the regional innovation platform.

HIPO had cooperation agreements in force with 16 universities, as follows: Budapest Corvinus University, Budapest Metropolitan University, University of Debrecen, Eötvös Loránd University, Eszterházy Károly University, University of Miskolc, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, National University of Public Service, John von Neumann University, University of Nyíregyháza, Óbuda University, University of Pannonia, University of Pécs, University of Sopron, University of Szeged, Szent István University.  In the agreements, the Office undertook to assist in the teaching of intellectual property subjects and, if requested, to help these universities draw up their internal regulations for the protection of intellectual property rights and to support them in performing their technology transfer-related tasks.  It will be a major task for 2020 to renew, in the framework of the University Innovation Ecosystem, the existing framework agreements with universities, and to conclude new agreements with further higher education institutions that have already applied for and been granted support.


The basic, intermediate and advanced level industrial property courses, the basic and intermediate level copyright courses as well as the specially targeted courses organised by HIPO have become important fora for knowledge sharing and awareness raising in Hungary.

In May a basic level industrial property course took place with 22 participants, representing enterprises, higher education institutions and HIPO staff.  In March an intermediate level IP course started with the participation of 26 persons, where the final examination took place in May.  Besides the officials of the Office, enterprises, law firms and patent attorneys, higher education institutions and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) were represented. In the first half of 2019, 27 persons acquired advanced level industrial property certificates.

A basic level copyright course took place in April, at the end of which 26 persons passed their final examination.  Staff of publishing houses, museums, higher education institutions, libraries and law firms participated at those courses, along with the Office’s officials in the framework of the Probono further training system.  In May the officials of the HAS participated in a basic level copyright course, where 20 participants obtained basic level copyright qualifications.  An intermediate level copyright course took place from September to November with the participation of 25 persons.  They were staff of CMOs, law firms, publishing houses, museums and higher education institutions, as well as of HIPO.


HIPO plays a leading role in the organisation and promotion of domestic IP events, fora and conferences and in giving recognition to creators and communities of creators showing outstanding achievements.  The most memorable events of the past year were the following: The Jedlik Ányos Prize was awarded on a festive occasion on 13 March 2019 in the Petőfi Literary Museum.


 On 28 March 2019, the Hungarian Grand Prize for Innovation was presented in the Parliament.  The innovation prize of HIPO was awarded to Teqball Kft. in recognition of Teq SMART, a multifunctional sports equipment requiring small space.


Great professional interest was shown towards the academic conference, co-organised by HIPO, the Hungarian Association for Industrial Property and Copyright, the Hungarian Copyright Forum Association and the Hungarian Lawyers Association, which was held at the headquarters of the Budapest Bar Association, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the entry into force of Act LXXVI of 1999 on copyright, on 25 November 2019.  Research of HAS, cereal breeder.


Several bodies operate alongside HIPO, and the Office plays a determining role in their work.  From among these the most important ones are the Hungarian Design Council, the National Board Against Counterfeiting, the Council of Copyright Experts and the Body of Experts on Industrial Property.

The Hungarian Design Council (HDC) assists the strengthening of the competitiveness of the Hungarian national economy with the tools of the design culture and design ecosystem.  Since March 2019 the presidential tasks of the HDC have been performed by the new President of HIPO, Gyula Pomázi.

During the fifteen years of its existence, the Design Week Budapest has earned international recognition.  The buzzword of the ten-day festival, organised from 4 to 13 October 2019 for the 16th time, was Flow.  The guests of honour were the Baltic states – the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Lithuania.  The programmes were grouped around the designated topic and the programmes of the guest of honour countries.  In Budapest as many as 150 events were held, while in the partner towns (Eger, Debrecen, Győr, Pécs, Sopron, Szentendre and Veszprém) a further hundred events took place.

HDC administers the long-standing Hungarian Design Award, the Design Management Award and the Moholy-Nagy László Design Scholarship Programme.  At the Hungarian Design Award competition, which was announced for the 40th time, 11 works won in four categories – product, design, visual communication and student work.

The exhibition Innovative by Design, which honoured the 40th anniversary of the award, was complied of the award-winning works of the past five years, and it was exhibited in Vienna at the Designforum and during the Design Week Győr festival.  The Design Management Award, founded more than a decade ago to raise awareness of the strategic role of design, was presented to the Varga-Flexo Kft. in the lead of contemporary printing industry, while the special prize of the Herend Porcelain Manufactory was awarded to Multifelt Factory Kft. dealing with the processing of wool-felt.  A certificate of merit was presented to the Pataki Tiles Kft., Maform Kft., TEQBALL Kft. and the Contemporary Rug Designers Association.

The Moholy-Nagy László Design Scholarship Programme was set up to support the professional development of young designers.  From among the applicants 8 young designers got the opportunity to implement their innovative professional ideas.

The electronic ‘Start Up Guide’, which has assisted the establishment of young designers’ enterprises since 2007 providing them with up-to-date information, was compiled again.  The Budapest Design Map was issued for the 7th time and contains as many as 150 design locations in Budapest.
