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Information on the following topics is desired:
In 2023, Decree No. 195 of 17th October 2023, issued by the Council of Ministers, adopted the ordinance regulating the filing, submission and examination of applications for patents for inventions and utility models.
Bulgarian Patent Office /BPO/ has implemented the classification of patent applications according to the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC).
In 2023, BPO used the following databases and tools to perform patent prior art searches:
- IPAS - a specialised unified industrial property information database developed exclusively for the needs of BPO;
- BPO On-Line - - public access to Bulgarian published patent applications, granted patents, registered utility models and validated European patents searchable by applicant, inventor, filing date, name, registry number, application number, status, class under the international patent classification, term of protection;
- Espacenet - European Patent Office database with free access to search granted patents, registered utility models and published patent applications;
- EPOQUENET - EPO's paid searchable specialized database for patent and non-patent literature;
- ANSERA Search Tool - EPO's pilot project of a specialized database for searching patent and non-patent literature;
- PATENTSCOPE - WIPO's open access database for searching granted patents, registered utility models and published patent applications.
In 2023, 197 patent applications were filed of which 6 by foreign applicants and 191 by Bulgarian applicants.
A total of 172 applications for patents have been resolved, while 114 patents have been granted.
Statistics are accessed at the following URLs:
Information on the following topics is desired:
The BPO information and support options in 2023 included:
via website:
via telephone: +359 2 9701 321;
via e-mail:;
via BPO Online.
Information on the activities of BPO, law and regulations, instructions and links to guidelines for filing various types of documents in connection with patent and utility model procedures is available in Bulgarian and English at
Patent and utility model applications are classified under IPC.
English translation of abstracts for patent and utility model applications.
BPO offers the option of filing patent and utility model applications in paper format and/or via electronic filing through the electronic services portal
The submission of patent applications for inventions and utility models via the e-services portal of BPO is contingent upon prior registration within the portal.
It is not necessary to register in the e-services portal when requesting a preliminary examination and/or a reference for an industrial property object.
The electronic calculator has functions to automatically calculate the fees payable in patent and utility model application proceedings for services provided electronically -
Information on the following topics is desired:
The Official bulletin is published electronically twice a month. It may be accessed at: .
The content of the Official bulletin includes:
- Bibliographic data of patent applications, granted patents, including the title, the abstract in the first publication, the figure and the claims when a patent is granted;
- Bibliographic data of registered utility models. In addition to the aforementioned information, the journal also includes descriptions, abstracts, claims, and figures. These can be accessed via the following link:;
- European patent applications and European patents granted with effect in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria;
- Topologies of integrated circuits;
- Up-to-date information on active patents, suspended and restored patents, as well as changes in published patent applications.
The State Register of BPO is available in electronic format at:
Information on the following topics is desired:
All patent applications are stored in both paper and electronic formats. BPO uses an internal, specialized, unified industrial property information and administrative management system designated IPAS, which is linked to the e-services portal and the publications in the Official Bulletin of the Office. IPAS is an administrative management system that stores all data on the stages of patent proceedings - filing, formal examination, substantive examination, decisions and/or litigation. All patent documents are scanned and attached to the electronic patent file.
BPO offers more than 51 patent-related e-services.
Information on the following topics is desired:
BPO has a Central Patent Library with a reading room containing an archive of both patent and non-patent literature on paper. Access to the archives of CPL is by the applicant's request only.
In order to support the development of initiatives in the field of industrial property, BPO is engaged in a number of joint projects and seminars aimed at a variety of target groups. In addition to this, the Office also facilitates the exchange of information and provides access to relevant data on industrial property objects.
On 15 March 2023, a seminar on the subject of patents for innovation was held by the Patent Office. The event was attended by lecturers from the Patent Office and the EPO, who delivered presentations to raise awareness among the academic community and to provide theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of patents and utility models. Furthermore, the lecturers provided information on the entry into force of the Unitary Patent System-
From 25 April to 2 May 2023, the exhibition "In the World of Bulgarian Inventors and Inventors" was organized at the Central Patent Library of the PORB with the participation of the National Polytechnic Museum -
On 21 April, BAIT, in collaboration with BPO, conducted a seminar for its members on the subject of intellectual property objects, including patents, utility models, and trademarks -
On 6 June 2023, a meeting was held between the Patent Office, students and teachers. An interactive video in the English language, prepared by the Austrian Patent Office, was presented on the subject of inventions and patent applications - .
In the period between 2 and 5 of November 2023, BPO in cooperation with EUIPO, presented audio recordings of ten interviews conducted with Radio Nova News, in which experts from BPO answer questions regarding trademark, industrial design and patents -
Information on the following topics is desired:
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the European Patent Office (EPO) collaborate internationally in the field of patent information. In addition, the exchange of patent information between the EPO and BPO is linked to the activities of various projects.
Please include any other relevant information here.
1.Classification is allotting one or more classification symbols (e.g., IPC symbols) to a patent application, either before or during search and examination, which symbols are then published with the patent application.
2. Preclassification is allotting an initial broad classification symbol (e.g., IPC class or subclass, or administrative unit) to a patent application, using human or automated means for internal administrative purposes (e.g., routing an application to the appropriate examiner). Usually preclassification is applied by the administration of an office.
3. Reclassification is the reconsideration and usually the replacement of one or more previously allotted classification symbols to a patent document, following a revision and the entry into force of a new version of the Classification system (e.g., the IPC). The new symbols are available on patent databases.