The "Notifications" tab, will allow you to track files and receive notifications, whenever a file has been updated by the providing IP Office.
If you have not registered any notifications in the old WIPO CASE, once you click in the tab, you will see the following:

In order to be able to start receiving "notification messages", you need to register a couple of file numbers, so the system can track the changes on them, an update (and notify you of) the changes.
- click first in "Notification List":

- The page will be updated, and will shown a couple of changes, including a field to add more files to the "tracking list":

- You can then, start adding files, by entering the application number on that field:

- After pressing "ADD", the list will be updated with the entry:

- You can then edit the entry(by pressing on
so you can better define (expand/restrict) the type of notifications you want to receive:
- You can change the options to:
- get notifications also for all the members of the family
- restrict your notifications to
- only incoming documents (from applicant to IP Office)
- only outgoing documents ( from IP Office to applicant)
- all documents exchanged