Please provide links to your website where the requested information can be found in English, French, or Spanish. Alternately, you may provide text responses instead of URLs if desired. If the information is not available on your website in an ATR language, then please provide text.
URLs in responses should meet the following requirements:
Information on the following topics is desired:
The main types of patent information activities in the field of inventions/utility models encompass information support of examination of applications for inventions/utility models, including the formation of search databases for internal use in the examination body, publication of official information about applications and granted patents in the Official Electronic Bulletin «Industrial Property», operation support of information and reference systems for information servicing of a wide range of users via the Internet.
A Special Information System (hereinafter referred to as SIS) has been created and is in operation at the Office, which provides access via the Internet to information on any industrial/intellectual property right (hereinafter referred to as IPR/IP) in the mode as close to real-time as possible. The search engine of the system, which has a universal search interface, provides open and authorized access to any document of the electronic dossier of an object. Two search engines are implemented in the SIS - simple and advanced. The advanced search has additional search tools, which can be used to limit the search by the type of IPR and legal status. Depending on the selected type and legal status, any search parameter can be selected.
in 2022 – 2,780, in 2023 – 2,911, increased by 5%, as compared to the previous year.
In 2023, a total of 2,299 applications for inventions (79.0% of the total number of applications for inventions) were filed using the electronic filing system for IPR, increased 144.3%, as compared to 2022 (941 applications).
In 2023, the following areas underwent significant changes compared to the previous year: «Pharmaceuticals» (-14.2%), «Other consumer goods» (+16.5%), «Biotechnology» (-23.6%), «Other special machines» (-3.9%), «Organic fine chemicals» (-25.1%), «Materials, metallurgy» (+17.1%), «Chemical raw materials» (-3.1%), «Construction» (+24.4%), «Electrical equipment, electrical appliances, electricity» (+18.7%), «Measurement» (+5.3%), «Food chemistry» (-24.5%), «Medical equipment» (+23.7%). «Chemical Technologies» remained at the same level as last year.
in 2022 – 1,566, in 2023 – 1,158, decreased by 26.1%, as compared to the previous year.
Utility models
in 2022 – 2,378, in 2023 – 3,504, increased by 47.4%, as compared to the previous year.
In 2023, a total of 1,342 utility model applications (38.3% of the total number of utility model applications) were filed using the electronic filing system for IPR, increased by 88.0%, as compared to 2022 (714 applications).
«Other special machines» (+ 71.1%), «Measurement» (+ 41.0%), «Construction» (+ 40.3%), «Medical equipment» (+ 70.7%), «Food chemistry» (+ 23.8%), «Transport» (+ 38.8%), «Chemical technology» (+ 32.3%), «Electrical equipment, electrical appliances, electricity» (+ 95.5%).
in 2022 – 2,074, in 2023 – 2,712, increased by 30.8%, as compared to the previous year.
Information on the following topics is desired:
Information for users on the procedures and sources of data on inventions and utility models, in particular information on the legislation in the sphere of inventions and utility models legal protection, services and activities of the Office related to information in this sphere, statistics, etc. is published on the website of the Office.
Recommendations on the work with systems, rules of drafting an application, etc. are available on the website of the Office.
All application materials (both primary and secondary) for inventions and utility models, irrespective of the way they are filed to the Office (through the electronic filing system, on paper carriers, by email, fax or other telecommunication networks), automatically and after scanning paper carriers are entered and stored in the electronic archive of documents. In order to use application materials during the processing of applications, the integration of technological automated systems with the electronic document archive has been implemented.
In 2023, following the results of the session of the Committee of Experts of the Special Union of the IPC and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Working Groups for the Revision of the International Patent Classification (IPC), WIPO amended and supplemented the following:
- the IPC Guide;
- the text of the International Patent Classification.
In view of the above, the amendments to the text of the IPC Guide were translated into Ukrainian by the specialists of the Office. The Guide was updated to the 2023 version and placed in the Information and Reference System (IRS) for the current version of the IPC.
In 2022, specialists of the Office translated the amendments made by WIPO to the text of the IPC-2022.01 into Ukrainian, and with their consideration, IPC-2023.01 was created in Ukrainian, which is applicable from January 1, 2023.
Abstracts and bibliographic data are formed routinely in Ukrainian language for publication on the Internet: in the SIS and in the specialized automated system (AS) «Inventions» - an automated system for supporting the processing of applications for registration of inventions and utility models. Patent documentation in the specified volume (abstracts, titles and bibliographic data) was translated into English and uploaded to the SIS.
Information on the following topics is desired:
Information of the Office concerning inventions/utility models is provided in electronic publications of the Office as well as in free information and retrieval Internet resources of the Office such as electronic databases (DB), IRS and the SIS.
Information concerning inventions and utility models is published in Book 1 of the Official Electronic Bulletin "Industrial Property" in the following sections: "Official Information", "Information on Invention Applications Accepted for Examination", "Information on the Grant of Patents of Ukraine for Inventions", "Information on the Grant of Patents of Ukraine for Utility Models" and in the Notices Section.
Publications in the Official Electronic Bulletin "Industrial Property"contain:
- for the Section "Information on Invention Applications Accepted for Examination"– bibliographic data;
- for Sections "Information on the Grant of Patents of Ukraine for Invention", "Information on the Grant of Patents of Ukraine for Utility Models" – bibliographic data and claims.
In 2023, 52 issues of the Official Electronic Bulletin "Industrial Property" were issued.
In 2023, a set of works to ensure access to foreign commercial information Internet resources was continued, the use of which is desirable for conducting a complete and high-quality search, as it provides guaranteed access to the minimum PCT documentation:
Access to these information resources was provided under the concluded agreements or free of charge as part of the support of the Office under the martial law.
Over the course of 2023, the reference and information collection of the Office was stocked with encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, regulatory, instructional and methodological literature, periodicals, etc. (on electronic carriers). The formation of electronic reference and search tool and regular replenishment of the full-text DB of non-patent literature of the Search Portal was provided.
The following resources were also used in 2023 as a search collection of non-patent literature:
In order to provide information to a wide range of users, free access to patent information was provided through the website of the Office.
Information concerning the legal status of the registered patents of Ukraine for inventions/utility models to the extent prescribed by the applicable law of Ukraine is published in the Notices Section of the Official Electronic Bulletin "Industrial Property". In addition, such information is provided in the IRS "Information on Patents of Ukraine for Inventions (Utility Models) Deemed to be Invalid or Expired", in the SIS and in the Specialized DB "Inventions (Utility Models) in Ukraine".
Information on the following topics is desired:
The information system (IS) of the Office includes a large number of technologically diverse automated systems, databases, programs, information and reference and information retrieval systems, which together meet the information needs of technological processes.
Cooperation between individual IS component systems is provided by services that use SQL procedures, SQL queries created by the developer of a particular system and separately agreed between the developers of IS component systems. The system of information technology infrastructure, i.e., the IT-infrastructure of the Office, is service-oriented.
The following systems are integrated into the IT infrastructure of the Office:
Electronic documents are received via the following communication channels: EAFS-1 and EAFS-2, EIS EAP) for the exchange of documents related to the examination of applications, maintenance of state registers and general issues, a fax server, e-mail, and the System of Electronic Interaction of Executive Authorities (SEI EA).
The server part is based on x86 platform servers manufactured by Hewlett-Packard Enterprise (HPE) (HPE Synergy 480 Gen10, DL380Gen10, DL380Gen8).
Information storage models are:
The Storage Area Network (SAN) is based on HPE SN3000B switches.
The general network infrastructure is based on:
The local computer network includes a set of HPE Aruba 8320, HPE Aruba 2930M, HPE Aruba 2540-48, HP 2530-48, HP 2510-48 switches and is divided into fifty virtual networks (Vlan).
The server infrastructure is fully virtualised. The physical servers run Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2019 and VMware ESXi, which allow to create and operate the productive virtual servers. The virtualization servers are grouped into Hyper-V clusters, which allow for high availability of productive servers running Microsoft Windows Server 2019, Microsoft Windows Server 2016, Microsoft Windows Server 2012R2, Microsoft Windows Server 2012, Microsoft Windows Server 2008R2 and CentOS 7.
The database management systems used are MS SQL Server 2017, MS SQL Server 2016, MS SQL Server 2014, MS SQL 2008R2, MS SQL 2005, PostgreeSQL, MySQL.
The Active Directory (AD) domain structure is designed to allow the centralized management of all information resources, including users, computers, files, peripherals, access to services, network resources, web sites, databases, etc.
Several domain controllers are used to organize the fault tolerance of the domain structure.
The WSUS server provides updates to the operating systems of servers and client computers.
The ESET Antivirus Server provides centralized management of all anti-virus programs on users’ computers, updates antivirus databases, and generates reports on database updates and existing threats.
Data is backed up using Veeam's Veeam Backup & Replication software product, which provides continuous data protection for reliable recovery of Windows servers. There is a disaster recovery plan for all servers and services.
Other Microsoft System Center 2019 products are also used, namely: Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) for virtualization management, System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) 2012R2 for operating system installation and software configuration.
The measures taken to develop the IT infrastructure in the current period were aimed at building the fail-safe core of the computer network, increasing its bandwidth, security and manageability, replacing outdated hardware components of the infrastructure, consolidating and virtualizing servers. Virtualization servers are clustered to ensure high availability of all systems.
In total, the corporate network consists of 676 personal computers, 24 physical and 122 virtual servers, 6 data storages and various switching equipment.
For the information systems users the Internet connection is provided to search and browse information.
Users of information systems have access to the Internet to search and view information. Internal databases: coverage, updates, interconnection with external sources.
The following systems are used while processing applications and maintaining state registers of inventions and utility models:
The data of applications and files of state registers are stored in the database of the Inventions AS.
Documents related to the examination of applications for inventions and utility models, documents related to the state registers of inventions and utility models are stored at the CEDA.
An internal resource, namely the ISP is used for applications examination by experts.
The ISP is designed to provide highly efficient automated patent information searches by examiners during the examination of applications for inventions and/or utility models and to establish whether the invention meets the patentability requirements (novelty, inventive step, industrial applicability) as defined in Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine «On Protection of Rights to Inventions and Utility Models».
The International Bureau (IB) of WIPO has developed a number of standards for the exchange of information (patent documents). National patent offices present their patent document collections in the following formats:
Those standards are supported by the ISP when uploading documents to it.
The ISP data is updated on a regular basis as soon as the current documentation is received from foreign patent offices on optical carriers or uploaded from the respective remote FTP-servers.
Information concerning the legal status of registered patents of Ukraine for inventions and utility models, as provided for by the relevant Law of Ukraine, was published in the Notices section of the Official Electronic Bulletin «Industrial Property» The information in this section is presented in PDF format in the form of a periodical.
However, such information is also available in the SIS. The SIS provides a «Search by Notices» mode enabling users to retrieve information on IPR for which notifications of a given type have been published in the Official Electronic Bulletin «Industrial Property» within a specified period of time.
As of January 1, 2024, the State Register of Patents of Ukraine contains information on the state registration of 154,899 utility models.
In 2023, the CEDA integration modules also were upgraded, making the integration of the CEDA with other automated systems unified.
The «Appeals Chamber» module has been added to the General Document Management Automated System AS (GDMAS) as a module that supports the work of the Appeals Chamber.
The «Sanctioned Persons» module has been created as part of the Global Counterparty Catalogue AS (GCC). This module contains a list of individuals and legal entities subjected to sanctions. This list is constantly updated.
This module interacts with automated systems used for examining applications on IPR registration and maintaining IPRs state registers and is designed to apply or lift sanctions.
[1] Mimosa user guide:
[2] Raw data:
[3] Description of the XML file structure:
Information on the following topics is desired:
In order to ensure access of the general public to patent documentation and non-patent literature in the process of creation, legal protection and use of IPR, the List of IPR Databases was updated on a quarterly basis in 2023: «The List of IPR Databases of Foreign Patent Offices, Free Access to Which is Provided on the Internet», which provides links to the databases of 54 patent offices of the world and 4 international and regional intellectual property organizations; «The List of Scientific and Technical Databases and Reference Resources, Free Access to Which is Provided on the Internet»; «The List of Publicly Available Information Resources of Patent Documentation», posted on the website of the Office in the Section «For Users of Patent Information».
In order to satisfy public needs for patent information in Ukraine, which is necessary for study and analysis in the process of creation, legal protection and use of IPR, works were carried out to restore the functioning of the Public Patent Documentation Collection (PPDC).
The main source of acquisition of foreign patent documentation by the PPDC has long been the international exchange of patent documentation with foreign offices. Such international cooperation allowed the Office to accumulate significant funds of both current and retrospective patent documents.
In 2023, a set of works to ensure access to foreign commercial information Internet resources was continued, the use of which is desirable for conducting a complete and high-quality search, as it provides guaranteed access to the PCT minimum documentation:
Access to these information resources was provided under the concluded agreements or free of charge as part of the support to the Office under the martial law.
The website of the Office provides free access to information on inventions/utility models published in the Annual Reports, Annual Technical Reports of the Office on patent information activities, which the Office prepares for WIPO, and quarterly booklets «Intellectual Property in Figures» (statistical information).
Information Dashboard:
In order to provide information support to the development and functioning of the Office, in particular, to improve the Ukrainian patent and terminology base, standardization and unification of terminology in the intellectual property sphere, the Office carries out translation of the WIPO Standards into Ukrainian, primarily those that have more practical value and relate to various IPR, and ensures their timely updating.
In total, twenty-nine WIPO Standards (with no official status) have been translated and are available on the website of the Office in WIPO Standards section.
The Technology and Innovation Support Centre (TISC) is an international project to support inventions, innovations and start-up projects launched by WIPO, implemented in Ukraine by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine and the Office.
Regional TISCs are established through the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation and an Agreement on the establishment and further functioning of the TISCs.
Project implementation:
As of the end of 2023, 30 TISCs are functioning in Ukraine including the TISC Head Office and 16 TISCs opened in 2023 in 8 regions and Kyiv.
In 2023, the TISC Head Office provided 22 consultations on the development of innovation activities, creation of innovative projects, commercialization of IPRs, and technology transfer.
In 2023, according to the monitoring of the TISC Head Office, the regional TISCs of Ukraine responded to user requests, including: assistance in using the WIPO ARDI and ASPI databases - 23; provision of general information on legislation in the field of innovation and intellectual property - 300.
The specialists of the Office (outside the TISC project activities in Ukraine) provided 479 consultations on applications for IPRs: inventions and utility models; industrial designs; trademarks.
The TISC Head Office provided 8 consultations and methodological support to the TISC network members on the connection and use of the WIPO ASPI and ARDI databases.
In 2023, the specialists of the Office participated in specialized and educational events in the sphere of intellectual property, organized by both the Office and other international organizations, including WIPO, EPO, EUIPO, etc.
Specialists of the Office completed WIPO Distance Learning courses of the IP Academy on the following topics:
Information on the following topics is desired:
The functions of patent documentation international exchange are performed by the Office, recognized in 2003 by the law as the Centre of International Exchange of Publications in accordance with the Convention on International Exchange of Publications, adopted on December 3, 1958 by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
In the reporting year, as part of the ongoing cooperation with the EPO on data exchange aimed at providing representation of retrospective and current Ukrainian patent documentation in the EPO's Internet resource Espacenet, and to fulfill Ukraine's commitments under the relevant Agreement on access to the EPO`s EPOQUE Net search system, under the defined procedure, the national patent documentation was uploaded to the FTP-server of EPO.
In 2023, the Office continued international cooperation in the field of intellectual property with WIPO, the EPO and intellectual property offices of other countries.
Representatives of the Office participated in the work of WIPO Task Forces (including online), preparation of relevant proposals and information on Ukraine (if necessary) at sessions and meetings of WIPO Committees and Working Groups (online), in particular, in the work of the Task Forces (TF) of the Committee on WIPO Standards (CWS) on the development of new WIPO Standards, their updates, as well as other CWS projects:
Please include any other relevant information here.
The Quality Management System (hereinafter referred to as the QMS) has been introduced and is being applied at UANIPIO in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 international standard.
In June 2023, a representative of the international certification body DEKRA (DEKRA Certification GmbH) conducted verification (certification audit) of the compliance of the QMS of UANIPIO with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. According to the results of the audit, the QMS of UANIPIO meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Audit report No. Z-A 677423/GC/9001. Certificate registration number 32072300505 (DEKRA Certification Sp. z o.o. Wrocław; 04-07-2023).
The certificate of conformity is valid until July 3, 2026.
Compliance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015 is ensured at UANIPIO. There are 16 QMS processes in operation at UANIPIO, the sequence and interaction of these processes, performance criteria and means of managing these processes, as well as monitoring of QMS processes and service quality at all relevant stages of the QMS processes are defined. To ensure internal communications on quality issues and coordination of activities affecting quality, UANIPIO established a Coordination Council for the development, implementation and maintenance of the QMS UANIPIO, appointed a Chief Commissioner for the implementation and maintenance of the QMS.
The Quality Policy is defined and approved by the Order of the UANIPIO No. 96, dated May 17, 2023.
The Coordination Council shall meet at least once every six months. 3 (three) meetings of the Coordination Council were held in 2023.
1.Classification is allotting one or more classification symbols (e.g., IPC symbols) to a patent application, either before or during search and examination, which symbols are then published with the patent application.
2. Preclassification is allotting an initial broad classification symbol (e.g., IPC class or subclass, or administrative unit) to a patent application, using human or automated means for internal administrative purposes (e.g., routing an application to the appropriate examiner). Usually preclassification is applied by the administration of an office.
3. Reclassification is the reconsideration and usually the replacement of one or more previously allotted classification symbols to a patent document, following a revision and the entry into force of a new version of the Classification system (e.g., the IPC). The new symbols are available on patent databases.