Annual Technical Report on Patent Information Activities in 2015 submitted by Croatia


Outline of main policies and plans aimed at development of patent information activities and expected time frames for their realization

By the SIPO Annual plan for 2015, the following main objectives were set:

-      to secure quality, efficient and financially acceptable procedure for the granting of patents, registration of TPP and of SCP by increasing the efficiency of business processes and in the execution of duties and tasks and by establishing a comprehensive system of formal tools for managing the performance and quality of jobs;

-      to increase the number of domestic users of the system of intellectual property protection in the field of patents through reviewing the existing technical and information services and by improving the quality and effectiveness of promotional activities through cooperation with relevant regional and international organizations.

Migration of data and functionality from the existing system to a new, open-source platform with the significant improvements made related to the work in the Internet environment which will improve a number of services of the Office.


New projects launched or resumed this year in the context of the policies and plans mentioned above, short description: aims, partners, tasks

The Office has continued with the implementation of the major project started in 2014 of migrating data and functionality from the existing sytem to a new, open-source platform which will improve a number of services of the Office.

In 2015 the SIPO Croatia actively participated in cooperation with the European Patent Office (EPO) within the Bilateral Co-operation Plan for 2013-2015 in following Projects:

-           Federative European Patent Register - continuation of activities related to the creation of Federative European Patent Register for improving the access to information about the legal status of a granted/validated European patent. Croatia is one of the countries whose Register is deeply linked via European Patent Register, working on its integration into the second phase, so called parallel retrieval.

-           Quality at Source project

In 2015 the SIPO in co-operation with the European Patent Office finished the implementation of the "Bilateral Co-operation Plan” (BCP) for the period 2013 – 2015. In the frame of the BCP it was completed various activities such as training, patent-related IT services and tools, patent information services as well as awareness and strengthening of the European Patent Network (EPN).

One of the most important projects in the frame of the BCP is the Quality at Source project (QaS). The main goal of this project is to ensure the high quality of patent data from the source (national patent offices) for the benefit of the end users through EPOQUE/Espacenet. SIPO was in the first group of the countries together with the AT, IT, LT, PT and TR. During the project SIPO has implemented various modifications in the own system for the purpose of the data exchange with the EPO. At the end of 2015 SIPO prepared specification for the creation of the Conversion tool for conversion patent documents from MS Word format into XML. After implementation (during 2016) of this tool for the purpose of the front file delivery of HR patent data SIPO is planning to collect missing back file from 1992 to date in the XML format.


Main areas of patent information activities and related information and communication technology (ICT) practices which were in the focus of attention last year

In order to facilitate the access to European patent information by providing a harmonised patent search and retrieval service to their user, SIPO is part of the Espacenet service, which is much appreciated patent information service among its users. The EPO plans to merge two current versions – Espacenet level 1 (national data) and level 2 (worldwide data collected by the EPO) into new Espacenet service, and SIPO is actively engaged in this project. However, most of activities in this project were implemented in previous annual periods. SIPO continuously monitors the quality and the completeness of the documents and data. Successfully implemented machine translation facility by the European language technology service for patents enables users all over Europe to have access to Croatian patent documents in their own language.  

EPO intends to provide a harmonised Europe-wide entry point to access the national registers of the participating member states by establishing Federative European Patent Register for improving the access to information about the legal status of a granted/validated European patent. Croatia is one of the countries whose Register is deeply linked via European Patent Register, currently working on its integration into the second phase, so called parallel retrieval.


Statistics: changes in terms of application filings and grants with respect to previous year; trends or areas experiencing rapid changes

Patent protection in the Republic of Croatia can be achieved via the national or the regional route. Protection can be granted via the national route either by directly filing the patent application with the Office or by entry of the international application into the national phase on the basis of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), wherein the Office decides whether to grant patent protection or not. Protection via the regional route can be achieved by filing a European patent application to the European Patent Office (EPO) in accordance with the European Patent Convention. In this case, the European Patent Office makes the decision whether to grant the patent or not, whereas the Office only conducts formal procedures in relation to the entry of the patent into the patent register maintained by the Office.

In 2015, a total of 186 patent applications were filed with the Office via national route, which is the lowest recorded annual number of applications via the national route and represents a decrease of 7% compared to the previous year.

Out of that number, a total of 169 applications were filed by resident applicants, representing minimum decrease in the number of applications compared to the previous 2014, when 170 applications were filed. The number of resident legal persons (companies) that filed a patent application via the national route in 2015 is also lower compared to the previous year – only 22 applications were filed compared to the 25 filed in the previous year, whereas the number of natural persons as applicants slightly increased– from 145 to 147.

Amongst resident applicants, natural persons are still significantly prevailing, making a high 87% of the total number of resident applicants.

Non-resident applicants filed a total of 17 applications via the national route – 5 were filed by natural and 12 were filed by legal persons.

Only 4international applications entered the national phase of procedure in the Republic of Croatia via the PCT and 13 applications were filed directly.

The number of requests for the extension of European patent applications to the Republic of Croatia on the basis of the Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Patents between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the European Patent Organization (Cooperation and Extension Agreement), which was in force between 2004 and 2008, published in the official gazette of the European Patent Office during 2015, was 134, almost the same as in in the previous year.

The mentioned continued decrease in the number of requests according to the Agreement was expected considering the application of the European Patent Convention (EPC) in the Republic of Croatia as of 1 January 2008, whereas by its entry into force the Cooperation and Extension Agreement ceased to be valid. Consequently, a further increase in the number of requests for entry of European patents according to the EPC is expected.

In 2015, the number of requests for entry of the European patents on the basis of the EPC was higher, as was expected, reaching 1128 requests, which is a 20% increase compared to the 939 requests from the previous year.

As the PCT receiving, the Office received 22 international applications filed by national applicants, which represents another negative record in the last 5 years, namely, a decrease of 55% compared to the previous year

According to the classes of the International Patent Classification (IPC), the majority of applications by resident applicants in national proceedings was filed in the following technical fields: G01-G12 (measuring) 10,7%; B60-B68 (transportation) 9,5%; A41-A47 (personal or domestic articles) 9,5%; F21-F28 (lighting and heating) 8,3%; A61 (preparations for medical or dental purposes) 7,7%; E01-E06 (fixed constructions) 5.9%; F01-F04 (machines and engines) 5,9%; F 15-F 17 (engineering in general) 5,3% and H01-H02 (electricity) 4,7%.

The majority of applications by non-resident applicants directly filed with the Office in 2015 were filed in the following IPC classes: B60-B68 (transportation) 11,8%; F01-F04 (machines and engines) 11,8% and F21-F28 (lighting and heating) 8,3%.

During 2015, a total of 1386 patents was entered into the register of the Office, out of which 111 (8%) were patents granted in national proceedings, and 1275 (92%) were patents granted in regional proceedings or European patents with effect in the Republic of Croatia.

The total annual number of patents entered into the register was 23% higher compared to the previous year, whereas the number of patents granted in national proceedings was 32% lower, while the number of European patents increased by 23%.

According to the structure of the holders of European patents entered into the register of the Office in 2015, non-resident legal persons make as much as 96%, whereas among the holders there is only 2 resident legal and one resident natural person.

At the end of 2015, a total of 5992 patents were valid in Croatia, out of which 371 were consensual patents. Compared to the previous year, the total number of valid patents was higher by approximately 15%. Thereby 1356 valid patents were granted in national procedure.

As per the technical fields, the majority of valid patents granted via the national route are in IPC classes A61 (preparations for medical or dental purposes) 23,8%; C07 (organic chemistry) 19,4%; E01-E06 (fixed constructions) 7,4% and B60-B68 (transportation) 7,3%.

Since becoming a member of the European Union, it is possible to grant a Supplementary Protection Certificate (SPC) in Croatia. In addition, the duration of the SPC can be prolonged by 6 months if the protection relates to a medicinal product for pediatric use.

A total of 35 applications for issuing supplementary protection certificates were filed in 2015, which is a 59% increase compared to the 22 applications from the previous year.

Out of a total number of SPC applications filed during 2015, 33 of them relate to medicinal products, whereas only 2 relate to plant protection products.

During 2015, a total of 8 SPCs was granted (7 relating to medicinal products, and only 1 relating to plant protection product) and they will enter into force immediately following the expiry of basic patents, provided maintenance fees are duly paid.


Other matters and useful links (URLs): annual report of the Office, news page, statistics, etc.

Annual report: (HR)  (EN)

Statistics: (HR)  (EN)

Official gazette: (HR)  (EN)

News:  (HR) (EN)




Information and support provided by the Office to applicants regarding filing on paper and/or e-filing (instructions, seminars, etc.) - URLs

Filing on paper (instructions, Patent Examination Guidelines):


International Patent Classification (HR, EN):

Guidelines for patent search and examination:



Availability of the application dossier in electronic form

The application dossier is available in the Office database containing public data from Registers (Patent Applications Register, Patent Register and SPC Register), accessible through the Office website, free of charge. The Office maintains a complete history of its patent files in paper form and all information for patents applied from 2000 to date in electronic form.

Free of charge searchable data base containing published information on patents applied for or granted is available at:

A range of search options available: Publication number; Croatian title; Publication date; IPC; Inventor; Applicant; Applicant/Holder

(State); English title; Application date; Date and number of earlier application from the former FPO; European patent

application/publication number; European patent application date; Priority - country/application number/application date; PCT -

application/publication number; PCT - application/publication date, Patent representative, Abstract

Information on published patent applications are available on the following link:



Classification1, preclassification2 (if applicable), reclassification3 activities; classification systems used (e.g., International Patent Classification (IPC)); matters concerning indexing of patent information

Published patent applications and granted patents are classified by the Office according to the latest version of IPC advanced level.

The indexing schemes are not used by the examiners when classifying patent documents.

The reclassification has been done regularly through the special tool developed in house. The Office uses the content of the latest IPC Validity file (201501) for validating IPC symbols.


Abstracting, reviewing, and translation of the information contained in patent documents

Titles of all national applications are translated into English language and used for on-line database, offered by the Office.


Other activities






Main types of publications of the Office (patent applications, full text, first pages, abstracts, bibliographic data, granted patents, etc.), medium (on paper, on CDs, online - URLs)

Official Gazette : (HR) (EN)

Patent Search:



Official Gazettes: main types of announcements, frequency of publication, medium (on paper, on CDs, online - URL), etc.

Since May 2009 the Office no longer publishes the Gazette on paper but only electronically. Current issue and archive of all issues since May 2009 are available free of charge at the Office's web site. Upon order and against payment Office provides issues of the Gazette on digital carrier. Since October 2013 the Official Gazette is published every two weeks (previously once a month).

Gazette Archive which includes previous editions of the Gazettes issued from 1994 onwards are also available in e-form on the Office‘s website.

Official Gazette contains the following published information on patents: Publication of patent applications, Patent application indexes by numbers, classification symbols and applicants, publication of requests for the grant of a patent on the basis of the substantive examination procedure of patent applications, publication of requests for the grant of a patent without the substantive examination of patent applications (Consensual Patents), publication of granted patents and consensual patents, Patent /consensual patent indexes by numbers, classification symbols and owners, Publication of Record of Changes to the respective Register, Publication of the proposals for the Restitutio in Integrum and Continued Processing, publication of the lapse of Patents/Consensual Patents, Publication of a Declaration of Nullity of Patents, Publication of Correction of deficiencies in the published data, publication of Requests for the Extension of the European Patent Applications, publication of European patent application indexes by numbers, classification symbols and applicants, Publication of extended European patents, Lapse of extended European patents, Publication of European Patents, European patent index by numbers, classification and owners, Lapse of European Patents, Corrections of Data to Published European Patents, Publication of Requests for Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPC) and of its extension, Publication of indications concerning the grant of SPC and its refusal, publication of the lapse of SPC, publication of indications concerning the grant of topographies of semiconductor products.



Information products and patent document collections (coverage, medium, etc.) available to examiners, including external collections and databases

Patent Register available to examiners and formality officers is used for filing all bibliographic data concerning the particular patent. The Register is interlinked with the electronic depository of the patent documents. The coverage of the national patent documents in electronic form is complete since year 1991 when the Office was established. The patent document collection is maintained by an in-house developed document management system.

For the examiners’ access to foreign patent documents Epoque system of the European Patent Office is used.


Information products and patent document collections (coverage, medium, etc.) available to external users, conditions of access (e.g., free of charge, subscription, etc.)

General information regarding patents and patent registration procedures is provided to users free of charge. It can be obtained face-to-face at the Office’s Information Centre for Intellectual Property (acronym INCENTIV; &, by phone, via fax, e-mail or posted letter, and is also available at the Office’s web site ( & INCENTIV acts as EPO’s PATLIB centre (patent information centre) for Croatia.

Patent document collections (published data and documents) are available to users via national free-of-charge on-line database (e-service: & National patent collection and related documents are also available free-of-charge via Espacenet, a public patent document service of the European Patent Office containing worldwide patent collections ( or at EPO). Links to other on-line available non-commercial databases are provided at &

Different types of professional search services, standard and tailor-made, and registry extracts are available to users upon request and payment at INCENTIV ( &

Public computers in the INCENTIV premises are available to users free-of-charge for on-line database searches and web browsing.


Legal status information (kind of information, coverage, medium, etc.)

Detailed legal status information is available in the Patent Register, accessible only to the Office staff, while the basic information on the legal status (e.g. application, granted (in force), lapsed) are publicly available in the public patent database accessible by the Office's web site:


Other sources





Specific software tools supporting business procedures within the Office: general description, characteristics, advantages, possible improvements

A wide set of software tools has been developed in-house to support business procedures of the Office, providing a range of tools for efficient processing of the applications and other documents. Office's software system is in the process of migration to a new (open-source platform)


Hardware used to supporting business processes of the Office

- 20Mbit/s leased line used for Internet connection,

-CISCO Network Equipment (LAN based on Fast Ethernet - 1000/100/10 Mbit/s).


All servers are virtualized under VMware (except mail server)

-VMware vSphere 5.5 Essentials Plus Kit for 3 hosts, 192 GB RAM

-Physical Servers:         -Dell PowerEdge  R610 64GRAM; 12 x CPU Intel Xeon E5645

                                   -Dell PowerEdge  R620 64GRAM; 8 x CPU Intel Xeon E5645

                                   -Dell PowerEdge  R620 64GRAM; 8 x CPU Intel Xeon E5645

Virtualized servers are on the following operating systems:

-  Win SERVER 2008 R2 Enterprise

-  Win SERVER 2003 St. Ed.

-  Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

-  SUSE Linux Enterprise 10

-  Debian GNU/Linux 6

Mail Server:

- MS Exchange 2010 Server Enterprise,

- Physical Server : Fujitsu RX300 S5

- OS Win SERVER 2008 R2 Enterprise


-  Desktop-PC Pentium IV with WIN XP PROF or WIN 7., Notebooks – OS – MS WIN 7 or WIN8.



-NetApp   DATA ONTAP Release 8.0.2P4

-IBM N3400, 12x600GB SAS, 24x 1TB SATA disks

Backup software

-SYMC BACKUP EXEC 2012 Server Win Per Server Bndl

-SYMC BACKUP EXEC 2012 Option Ndmp Win Per Server

Backup tape device 

- Dell PowerVault TL2000


Internal databases: coverage, updates, interlinks with external sources

The bibliographic data are stored in patent database and patent documents are stored in a network file directory. They are interlinked by different software tools. Data coverage is a complete set of patent data since year 1991 (when the Office was established).


Establishment and maintenance of electronic search file: file building, updating, storage, documents from other offices included in the search file

Examiners search national Patent Register for national patent documentation. Epoque system of the EPO is the main source of foreign documentation. Furthermore, the Office receives certain foreign patent documents on CD and DVD. Official bulletins of foreign offices are mostly available in electronic format and used as such if required.


Administrative management electronic systems (register, legal status, statistics, and administrative support)

Electronic Patent Register is used for filing all bibliographic data concerning the particular patent application or granted patent. All patent changes (change of ownership, change of name, address, etc.) are recorded and are maintained by Patent Register user interface. Every change of legal status is visible in Patent Register. The Patent Register enables direct access (from a certain case) to the relevant case within the EPO on-line registers (on the basis of the EP number) and WIPO registers (on the basis of the PCT number).

The Patent Register enables generation of various user defined reports and certificates (Priority Certificate).

The Patent Register is a part of the in-house developed electronic document management system. All incoming and outgoing documents are scanned in Adobe Acrobat and entered into document management system.

MS Word is used for automatic generation of communications to the applicant, based on predefined templates. MS Excel is used for (automatic) generation of different reports, such as public and internal statistic report and reports for other purposes (improving efficiency of patent processes).


Other matters





Patent library: equipment, collection management, network of patent libraries in the country, cooperation with foreign patent libraries

The Patent Library ( & operates within the Office’s Information Centre (acronym INCENTIV). Library’s public services include access to the collections and the reading room, available to public during the working hours of INCENTIV. Library collections are available at the Library premises and on-line at the Office’s web page ( User inquiries and reservation requests can also be made via e-mail ( The collections contain numerous books and periodicals, primarily in the field of IP or related fields, and are catalogued in the regularly maintained database.


Publications related to different business procedures and patent information sources available to users, for example, books, brochures, Internet publications, etc.

The Patent Library: &


Office's initiatives on providing foreign patent information in the local language(s) (e.g., machine translation tools, translation of abstracts)

See under heading “New projects launched or resumed this year in the context of the policies and plans mentioned above, short description: aims, partners, tasks”.


Cooperation with universities, research centers, technology and innovation support centers, etc.

Permanent cooperation in education of undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers has been established with the Faculty of Law of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Tourism of the University of Pula, Faculty of Architecture (Design study) of the  University of Zagreb and the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology of the University of Zagreb.


Education and training: training courses, e-learning modules (URLs), seminars, exhibitions, etc.

Seminars, Workshops and Lectures on Intellectual Property for Academic Community in 2015

Lectures for Entrepreneurs and Small and Medium Enterprises in 2015

Seminars and workshops for the representatives of state institutions and judicial bodies in 2015

Public Seminars and Distance Learning Courses organized in 2015:

Promotional events organized in 2015:

Public Events in which the Office Participated

Professional and Promotional Events in which the Office Participated

Professional and Promotional Events in the Co/organization of the Office



Other activities





International exchange and sharing of patent information in machine-readable form, e.g., priority documents, bibliographic data, abstracts, search reports, full text information

The Office exchanges its patent data in machine –readable form with the European Patent Office. All published documents are sent monthly (every two weeks since October 2013) in PDF format as well as bibliographic data in the XML format.


Participation in international or regional activities and projects related to patent information

In cooperation with the European Patent Office (EPO) at the Technical Museum in Zagreb in the period from July to September 2015, SIPO hosted EPO exhibition "Europen inventor hall of fame” intended for the public.


Assistance to developing countries

Study visits organized in SIPO

Date of   visit







Study visits organized in other countries          

Date of   visit




3 November

The   Republic of Serbia

State Intellectual   Property Office of the Republic of Serbia

Chapter 7   of accession negotiations on EU   membership - sharing experience



Other activities








1.Classification is allotting one or more classification symbols (e.g., IPC symbols) to a patent application, either before or during search and examination, which symbols are then published with the patent application.

2. Preclassification is allotting an initial broad classification symbol (e.g., IPC class or subclass, or administrative unit) to a patent application, using human or automated means for internal administrative purposes (e.g., routing an application to the appropriate examiner).  Usually preclassification is applied by the administration of an office.

3. Reclassification is the reconsideration and usually the replacement of one or more previously allotted classification symbols to a patent document, following a revision and the entry into force of a new version of the Classification system (e.g., the IPC).  The new symbols are available on patent databases.