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Where URLs are requested below, it is preferred that either URLs which are likely to remain stable over time (three years or more) are provided, or home (main) page URLs are provided with a short explanation of how to access the corresponding information.
During the year 2015, AGEPI received 5363 trademark registration applications, with 148 (2,7%) less than in the previous year. Of the total number of applications, by national way entered 1982 (37%) and by international way − 3381 (63%). On 31 December 2015, the total number of trademark registration applications received throughout the AGEPI activity amounted to 114,535 including 41,079 applications (36%) filed by national way and 73,456 (64%) − by international way. On the whole, 78 percent of the total of applications proceeded from foreign applicants and 22 percent – from national ones.
The number of applications filed by national applicants (by 6,7%) and foreign applicants (by 1,24 %) decreased, as compared with the previous year. At the same time, the national applicants registered a percentage of 29 and the foreign ones a percentage of 71 of the total number of applications filed in 2014 due to the fact that under the Madrid System procedure filed applications only by the foreign applicants. The ratio is reversed in the case of applications filed under the national procedure, where most of applications – 1408 applications (71%) came from applicants from the Republic of Moldova, and 574 (29%) − from foreign ones.
Most applications filed by the national applicants − 1107 (79%) − proceed from natural or legal person with the domicile or headquarters in Chisinau, 36 (3%) − from Balti, 2% of applications belong to applicants from Ialoveni, Causeni, Taraclia, 1% of applications belong to applicants from ATU Gagauzia, Straseni, Anenii Noi, Floresti, and the rest of circa 8% of applications − to applicants from other units administrative-territorial of the country.
Under the national procedure were filed applications from 46 countries. An increased interest to Republic of Moldova showed the applicants from the United States of America, who filed 9% of applications, followed by Switzerland with 4%, Germany, Russian Federation, Ukraine, Romania, United Kingdom, India, Republic of Korea, Liechtenstein, China (1% each), the applicants from other countries accumulating in sum 7% of applications.
Under the Madrid System procedure applications proceeded from 61 contracting parties, most of them - from Russian Federation, Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM), Germany (10% each), United States of America (8%), Switzerland (7%), Hungary, Turkey (6% each), Italy, Ukraine (5% each), China, France (4% each), etc.
Altogether, trademark registration applications filed with AGEPI in 2015 proceed from applicants from 77 countries (in 2014 – from 78 countries), the largest share belonging to those from the Republic of Moldova.
In the applications filed by national way, the most requested classes of the International Classification of Goods and Services (ICGS) remain to be: class 35 (advertising, business management services, etc.) − in 636 (on the decrease by 1 percentage points compared with 2014) applications; class 05 (drugs, pharmaceuticals, etc.) − in 236 applications (on the decrease by 4 percentage points compared with 2014); class 41 (education, entertainment, sporting activities) – in 228 applications; followed by classes 30 (sugar, flour, preparations made from cereals, etc.) − in 212 applications; class 33 (alcoholic beverages) – in 193 applications; class 29 (meat, fish, poultry and game, eggs, milk and milk products) − in 182 applications; class 34 (tobacco; smokers’ articles; matches) − in 158 applications; class 43 (services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation) – in 153 applications; 03 (bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use) – in 143 applications, etc.
Under the international procedure, on top of preferences remains class 05, requested in 901 applications, followed by classes 09 (various apparatus and instruments, calculating machines, etc.) − in 567 applications; 30 (sugar, flour, preparations made from cereals, etc.) − in 497 applications; 35 (advertising, business management services, etc.) – in 476 applications; 03 (cosmetics, bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use) – in 440 applications; 25 (clothing, footwear, etc.) – in 304 applications. It should be mentioned that both classes are on the top and the frequency of their request did not undergone great changes compared to the previous year.
During the reporting period, 4,878 trademark registration applications were examined (by about 15% fewer compared with the previous year), including 1,613 applications filed under the national procedure and 3,265 – under the international one. Substantive examination results are slightly different from those in 2014: the weight of trademark registration applications, accepted totally or partially, under the national procedure constituted 81%, and under the international procedure – 85%, which is a diminution by 5 and, accordingly, by 7 percentage points. Monitoring of the grounds for refusal attests that 72% of those relating to applications filed under the national procedure and 80% of those relating to applications filed under the Madrid System are based on relative grounds (conflict with identical or similar trademarks protected on behalf of other persons for identical or similar goods/services, conflict with other intellectual property rights); 28% and, respectively, 11%%% of refusals were issued on the ground that the requested signs were deceitful or liable to mislead; 19% and, respectively, 7% of refusals − on the ground of lack of distinctiveness of signs requested for registration. In the year under review, 2004 applications were examined on compliance with the conditions for filing, of these 1835 applications ( 92%) were entered in the National Register of Trademark Registration Applications, and 169 applications ( 8%) did not meet the conditions for filing set by the Law.
In 2015, AGEPI, as the office of the country of origin, checked and sent to WIPO 105 applications for international registration of trademarks, filed under the Madrid System – with 21 more than in the previous year, including 84 new applications and 21 – for territorial extension.
In the applications for international registration filed by national applicants, most frequently are designated: Romania (58 applications) Ukraine (48 of applications), Kazakhstan (29 applications), China(24 applications) and Russian Federation (22 applications), Belarus (19 applications)
Increased interest was shown by national applicants for African Intellectual Property Organization (AIPO): were designated 11 applications, the same number as for the United States and Turkey. It should be noted that in 2015 the national applicants applied for protection in 60 States members of the Madrid System the same number as in the year 2014, including such countries as Egypt, Ghana, Israel, India, Iran, New Zealand, Mexico,Philippines, Singapore, Syria, Viet Nam.
Simultaneous with the new applications, there were also filed trademark registration renewal applications: in 2015 was supposed to expire the term of validity of 8023 trademarks (6078 - international and 1945 - registered under the national procedure). As a result, it was sought the renewal of 3714 trademarks (by 919(19,8%) less than the previous year). Most renewals 3375 (91%) − were requested by foreign owners, including 2904 − under the international procedure and 471 − under the national one. National owners requested renewal of 339 (9%) trademarks.
In the year under review, 1320 trademark registration certificates were issued, with 256 (16,2%) fewer than in 2014, national owners obtaining 812 certificates (62%) and foreign ones – 508 (38%).
As in the case of trademark registration applications, most certificates issued to national owners belong to persons having their domicile or headquarter in Chisinau − 81%. At a very big distance from them are owners from Ialoveni (3%), ATU Gagauzia (2%), Criuleni, Floresti, Balti, Calarasi, Ungheni (1% each), the remainder nine percent belonging to owners from other administrative-territorial units.
In 2015, 1018 trademark registration renewal certificates were issued, of which 288 (28%) − to national owners and 730 (72%) − to foreign ones. Compared with the previous year, the number of issued renewal certificates decreased by 970 (49%).
From the start of its activity and until 31 December 2015, AGEPI issued 27,884 trademark registration certificates, valid being 19,526 (70%) certificates, including 6,516 – renewed, the latter constituting 33% of the number of valid certificates. The significant difference between the number of applications for registration and the number of issued certificates is explained by the fact that AGEPI does not issue certificates of registration for international trademarks.
Geographical indications
Legal protection of geographical indications in the Republic of Moldova shall be provided:
As competent authority of the Republic of Moldova in the Special Union of the Member States of the Lisbon Agreement of 31 October 1958 for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration (hereinafter – the Lisbon Agreement), in the reporting period, AGEPI received from the International Bureau of WIPO 64 notifications on international registrations of new appellations of origin (AO), in order to provide protection in our country, with 39 (256%) more than in the previous year.
Following the substantive examination, including of previously notified and remained in stock AO, 73 appellations of origin registered in the International Registry have obtained protection, with 54 (384%) more than in 2014.
At the end of 2015, the number of international registrations of appellations of origin, notified by the International Bureau of WIPO, has reached 941, of which 927 have obtained protection in the Republic of Moldova, 6 did not meet the conditions for grant of protection, and other 8 are to be examined within the time limits provided for in the Lisbon Agreement. At the same time, 35 AO that have previously obtained protection, have been canceled at the request of the country of origin.
During the reference period, under the additional information required for examination, offered by the European side, it was examined and obtained protection one more EU geographical indication from the 358, notified in 2014 under the Agreement
between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union on the Protection of Geographical Indications of Agricultural Products and Foodstuffs, signed on 26.06.2012, which became part of the Association Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community and its Member States, on the one hand, and the Republic of Moldova, on the other hand (hereinafter – the EU-RM Association Agreement).
At the end of 2015, in the Republic of Moldova were protected:
Outline of main policies and plans aimed at development of trademark information activities and expected time frames for their realization
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New projects launched or resumed this year in the context of the policies and plans mentioned above, short description: aims, partners, tasks
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Main areas of trademark information activities and related information and communication technology (ICT) practices which were in the focus of attention last year
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Statistics: changes in terms of application filings and registrations with respect to previous year; trends or areas experiencing rapid changes
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Other matters and useful links (URLs): annual report of the Office, news page, statistics, etc.
The most important office notices and news regarding the trademarks and other IP objects are provided directly on our website with free access Detailed information on trademarks and geographical indications could be found accessing the following links:,
As regard the general information about IP objects, their protection and related events organized in the view to promote them on the national and international level, the statistics data and their impact to the national economy, could be found in the Annual Report, published by AGEPI every year and distributed on the official web page
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Information and support provided by the Office to applicants regarding filing on paper and/or e-filing (instructions, seminars, etc.) - URLs
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Availability of the application dossier in electronic form
Considering the experience of the World Intellectual Property Organization, and also of the national IP offices from abroad in the implementation of information technologies for submission/receipt of applications for registration of intellectual property objects in electronic format (EF), AGEPI took the decision on the implementation of the procedure for online filing of the IPO applications and related documents. Thus, starting from 2014 up to present, AGEPI is using the benefits of the Project “Development and implementation of Software for online filing of IPO applications” launched in 2011. AGEPI successfully tested, parameterized and implemented the Electronic Service (ES) e-AGEPI “Online Filing of IPO Applications”. Filing and payment procedures were divided and implemented in the modules “Receipt/Sending of Applications” and “Online Payment of Fees”, which include the calculation of fees, generation of the account for payment, request of facilities, etc. It was also created the web interface and the functional for the module “Patent Attorney”, which allows sending IPO registration applications in the name of the applicant, and payment of fees. At the same time, within the system was created the module “Statistics”, for generation of statistical reports. In the e-agepi ES were implemented the following instruments: digital signature, mobile signature, electronic signature e-AGEPI, including the MSign Governmental Service and the Mpay Electronic Payment Governmental Service, which allows the payment of AGEPI services with any instrument of payment (credit card, internet banking, payment terminals, account for payment). It was carried out the monitoring of information systems for proper operation of the portal and its security.
It should be mentioned that in order to help the user there were developed and integrated into the e-AGEPI ES the “Guide for Using the Electronic Service for Online Filing of IPO Applications” (in Romanian, Russian, English), and were edited three quick reference guides: “Guide for Quick Use of e-AGEPI ES”, “Online Payment of Fees” and “Patent Attorney’s Guide”.
Matters concerning classifying
(i) Classification and reclassification activities; classification systems used, e.g., International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks (Nice Classification), International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks (Vienna Classification), other classification
During the year under review, the AGEPI trademarks’ examiners have applied during their activity the following classifications:
-The 10th edition of the International Classification of Goods and Services (Nice Classification) starting on 1st January 2015;
- The 7th edition of the International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks (Vienna Classification), starting on 1st January 2013;
(ii) Use of electronic classification systems and pre-defined terms of the classification applied
The electronic classification systems to check the classification symbols furnished by applicant and which are contained in the lists of goods and/or services;
The electronic classification system offered by WIPO and electronic version of the Nice Classification translated into Romanian (offered by Romanian Patent Office (OSIM) with the purpose to check the conformity of goods and services to the Nice Classification and of the figurative elements to the Vienna Classification.
Matters concerning processing of different types of non-traditional marks (e.g., three-dimensional, motion, hologram, color mark, etc.)
Non-traditional trademarks are protected in the Republic of Moldova under the Law 38/2008 on protection of trademarks. The requirements for non-traditional trademarks are the same as those for the traditional trademarks. Any graphically re-presentable designations may be registered as trademarks and may serve to distinguish the goods and/or services of one natural person or legal entity to be distinguished from the goods and/or services of other natural persons or legal entities (in the Republic of Moldova on the national were registered two sound marks and more than a thousand of three-dimensional trademarks).
As from 28.08.2015 the amendment to the Law 38/2008 on protection of trademarks ( entered into force by which it is foreseen protection for sound, olfactory and tactile trademarks.
Other activities
Obligation for applicants to use pre-defined terms of the classification applied. It’s not obligatory for applicants to use pre-defined terms of the classification applied but is highly recommended.
Bibliographic data and processing for search purposes. Data included in the WIPO Standard ST.60.
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Main types of publications in the field of trademark information, outline of the content and medium (on paper, on CDs, online - URLs)
- The Official Bulletin of Intellectual Property Protection (BOPI);
- The Trademark Register;
- National Register of Applications for the Registration of Trademarks;
- The Protected Geographical Indications Register;
- The Protected Appellations of Origin Register;
- National Register of Applications for the Registration of Geographical Indications;
- National Register of Applications for the Registration of Appellations of Origin.
Official Gazettes: main types of announcements, frequency of publication, medium (on paper, on CDs, online, URL), etc.
The Official Bulletin of Intellectual Property is a monthly publication, which includes official information on applications for patenting/registration of intellectual property objects (IPO) in the Republic of Moldova and titles of protection granted, to the changes occurred in the legal status of applications and titles of protection of IPO and the results of appeals examination in the Contestation Commission of AGEPI, court decisions on disputes over IPOs, general information. The BOPI is issued in Romanian, English, Russian languages on paper carrier (ISSN 1810-7095), CD-ROM (ISSN 1857-050X) and online on the AGEPI website
The Annual Report reflects the activity of the AGEPI during a whole year. It includes data on the registration / patenting of intellectual property objects, the most important events organized with the participation of the AGEPI as a partner, implemented projects and goals for the following year. The Publication is issued and distributed to regional IP Offices, national public authorities on paper carrier and is available online at the following address:
Information products (coverage, medium, etc.) available to examiners, including external documentation and databases
BOPI is available on AGEPI webpage and the public has an unlimited access to the publication.
There are 3 chapters related to trademarks:
Chapter III contains:
- Applications for registration;
- Examined applications for trademark registration;
- List of registered trademarks;
- List of renewed trademarks.
Chapter IV contains:
- Applications for registration of appellations of origin of goods submitted under the Lisbon Agreement;
- Applications for registration of appellations of origin of goods or of geographical indications submitted by national procedure;
- List of registered international appellations of origin.
- List of registered national appellations of origin and/or geographical indications.
Chapter VI contains:
various types of notices referring to all amendments occurred to the legal status of the protected industrial property objects (List of amendments, List of assignment agreements, Errata, etc), the half-yearly subject indexes of registered trademarks.
Information products (coverage, medium, etc.) and services available to external users; conditions of access (e.g., free of charge, subscription, etc.)
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Legal status information (kind of information, coverage, medium, etc.)
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Other sources
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Specific software tools supporting business procedures within the Office: general description, characteristics, advantages, possible improvements
During the period under review, AGEPI developed and implemented the following information product:
- Application for data export from the database (DB) National Trademarks for the Global Brand database (WIPO);
- Module for monitoring the observance of procedural deadlines in the “Trademark” management program;
In the same time, there were administered, updated and advanced the databases and management applications thereof. Among the major actions can be highlighted the following:
- Inclusion of DB “geographical indications”, “EU geographical indications”, “Appellations of origin” in the unique search program DoRa tm
- Development of file route in DB “applications of Origin” and “EU geographical indications”.
There were periodically downloaded data on international registrations in DB “International Trademarks” and “International Industrial Designs”.
Hardware used to supporting business processes of the Office
Each expert has a personal computer with LCD monitor and DVD drive. Microsoft Windows XP or Windows 7 is used as operating system. All computers are connected via the 100 Mb/s network into the Microsoft Active Directory 2003 Domain. Agency has a fiber channel link into the internet with 40 Mbps speed foreign traffic and each expert can use internet and has his own official e-mail address.
Internal databases: coverage, updates, interlinks with external sources
During the reference period, there were improved and delivered information from:
a) DB “International ID” and “International Trademarks” for WIPO;
b) DB “National Trademarks”, for Thomson Reuters;
Establishment and maintenance of electronic search file: file building, updating, storage, documents from other offices included in the search file
The examiners use different browsers for search in Internet, dictionaries, atlases and electronic encyclopedias. Moreover, the manual paper search files consist of encyclopedias, dictionaries, special books, periodicals, and a number of other lists and sources. Both the examiner’s search files and documentation at the library are updated on a regular basis.
Administrative management electronic systems (register, legal status, statistics, and administrative support)
In the reference year was implemented and developed a module related to online applications, namely completing, signing and submitting the application; formation of electronic file; sending notifications. Another novelty of the system is the possibility to pay taxes online through the Governmental service for electronic payments Mpay that allows the payment of AGEPI services via several instruments - credit card, e-banking, payment terminals, invoices.
Other matters
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Office's library (if deals with trademark information): equipment, collection management, network of libraries in the country, cooperation with foreign libraries
The Library is a subdivision in the AGEPI structure that provides information-library services in the field of intellectual property, including on industrial designs information to beneficiaries. The AGEPI Library is the depository of the National Patent Collection of the Republic of Moldova. AGEPI readership covers inventors and innovators, researchers, managers and lawyers, patent attorneys, representatives in IP, experts and other collaborators of AGEPI. At their disposal, and also at other persons interested in the field of intellectual property were placed two reading rooms, of which one is computerized, and the electronic catalog of books and that of scientific articles in the field of IP. The reference fund and the collection of periodicals are in regime of open access to the shelf.
Beneficiaries of services provided by the library are experts and other AGEPI employees, and all interested persons outside the institution: counselors in intellectual property, researchers, inventors and rationalizers, teachers, students, etc.
At the Library, visitors have the possibility to:
- consult, subscribe to or purchase the official publications of AGEPI in the field of intellectual property - BOPI, “Intellectus”, “AGEPI INFO”, etc., collections of laws and methodical literature in the field of intellectual property, CDs edited by AGEPI all of which containing data on trademarks, including;
- get methodological assistance in searching for information in electronic DB;
- library-bibliographic servicing in “request-offer”, “information-express” regime, by complying with the bibliographic, thematic and factual references;
- participate in IP information promotional activities at local and national levels.
Open hours for beneficiaries: from 9.00 to 16.00 Monday - Friday. Day without a program - Saturday and Sunday.
Based on bilateral agreements on exchange of information in the field of intellectual property, in the year 2015, AGEPI library has distributed free of charge the INTELLECTUS magazine and AGEPI-info, which also contains the data on trademarks, to 37 local libraries placed within the main university educational institutions and 10 foreign libraries from Romania, Russian Federation, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Ukraine.
AGEPI Library experts provide to interested persons free of charge access to the national trademarks database as well as to the geographical indications/appellations of origin databases.
In 2015, it was continued the archiving, including the electronic one, of IPO files, transmitted in the Archive Document Fund of AGEPI (sections “Trademarks”, “Industrial designs”, “Plant Varieties”), the number of files registered in the DB ‘AGEPI Archive” being 7,596. Also, in this period were electronically archived 12,256 files, constituting 536,299 files.
Publications related to different business procedures and trademark information sources available to users, for example, books, brochures, Internet publications, etc.
In the year under review, AGEPI continued to publish and to distribute on paper carrier, on the basis of mutual agreements with foreign national IP offices and international and European organizations, and also during the main promotion actions organized by AGEPI, a list of periodicals provided by its statute, namely:
- Annual Report AGEPI-2015 in 2 languages (Romanian and English);
- The Official Bulletin of Intellectual Property (BOPI), on a monthly basis, available in Romanian, Russian and English languages
Also, AGEPI continued to publish some other IP related publications, namely:
Intellectus"- a quarterly publication, represent the journal of intellectual property which has been regularly published as a quarterly journal since 1995(ISSN 1810-7079 –on paper carrier and ISSN 1857-0496 – on CD-ROM). “Intellectus” journal pursues the competent and multilateral reflection of intellectual property aspects, elucidation of provisions of the national and international IP legislation, publication of scientific and methodological materials, providing the public with information on the country`s intellectual treasure etc. The journal also covers the procedures for acquiring intellectual property protection, reveals the mechanism of enforcement and observance of rights, exploitation of IP objects, publishes studies signed by researchers in various fields of science, economy and technology.
The journal is available on –line at the following address:
"AGEPI Info"- is a quarterly supplement to the “Intellectus” journal and deals with different aspects of IP protection quarterly, reproduces certain IP-related materials of the written and online press. The publication is distributed within the main IP promotion actions, seminars and exhibitions, training courses for employees organized by AGEPI. Through the heading “Stock of Inventions” the best domestic patented inventions proposed by inventors for implementation are promoted. The publication is available on paper carrier and on-line at the following address:
“AGEPI Expo” – supplement to the “Intellectus” journal. The publication is devoted to the results of each edition of the International Specialized Exhibition "INFOINVENT". It includes more interviews with participants from home and abroad in this forum of inventions. It reveals the mechanism of exploitation of intellectual property objects, provides business people with useful information on conclusion of assignment and license contracts in order to implement the latest scientific and technical achievements in production. The publication is issued on paper carrier and available on-line at the following address:
Cooperation with universities, technology and innovation support centers, etc.
With view to assess the most successful projects on the creation and promotion of indigenous trademarks on domestic and foreign market, in the year under report, AGEPI jointly with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova organized the 12th edition of the Contest “Trademark of the Year”. Contest was open to enterprises and organizations with diverse forms of ownership, legal entities registered in the Republic of Moldova, which produce goods and/or provide service in the country. Besides the encouragement of the most active enterprises participating in the event, the contest had an additional role, that of outlining the personality and identity of goods and services, educating consumers in respect of the quality.
Also, in the year under report, AGEPI in cooperation with the Academy of Economic Sciences of Moldova, Business and Business Administration Department, organized the event entitled “ Intellectual Property – a business development tool”, in which students were informed on the need to protect IPOs and the provisions of the national legislation on the protection and enforcement of IP rights. Students presented communications addressing issues like creativity at work, trade secret, role of IP on social development, etc.
Education and training: training courses, e-learning modules (URLs), seminars, exhibitions, etc.
In the reporting year, special attention was paid to promoting the field of geographical indications, appellations of origin and traditional specialties guaranteed. Thus, AGEPI disseminated information referring to the national system of protection of GIs, AOs, IGT in 17 events organized in collaboration with the associations of producers (exhibitions, seminars, workshops) in the center and the territory, as follows:
- Information seminar ‘GIs – new opportunities for local producers” in the framework of the international Specialized Exhibition ‘Food&Drinks”;
- Regional Forum of Plum Producers and Processors of the Republic of Moldova, organized in Nisporeni city, with the support of the Project “Agricultural Competitiveness and Enterprise Development”;
- 2 round tables on the promotion of geographical indications and appellations of origin protection system, organized by the Ecological Movement of Moldova jointly with AGEPI;
- International Seminar in the framework of the Project “Strategic Partnership for Beekeeping Development in the Republic of Moldova” organized by the National Association of Beekeepers of Moldova.
During 2015, AGEPI specialists organized information seminars for economic agents, participating in the exhibition events deployed at IEC Moldexpo J.S.C on IP Protection in the Republic of Moldova and the role of IP in developing business, where were presented reports on topics like “Trademarks- an effective business promotion tool” and GIs/AOs – new opportunities for your enterprise.
About, 792 people, including from small and medium enterprise sector were familiarized with the role of IP as an economic instrument, the method of registration and use of IPOs., etc.
Other activities
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International exchange of trademark information in machine-readable form (e.g., Official Gazettes)
During the reporting period, AGEPI continued to publish and disseminate the Official Bulletin of Industrial Property (BOPI), which appears with a monthly periodicity, on paper carrier (ISSN 1810-7095), CD-ROM (ISSN 1857-050X) and online on the AGEPI website, the total number of hits being over 84,198 (compared with 81,856 in 2013). The CD-ROM is sending monthly to the Offices with which AGEPI has signed bilateral cooperation agreement. Through BOPI, users had access to 29 systematized half-yearly indexes of the titles of protection granted in the Republic of Moldova and the annual Index of the normative acts and information materials published in BOPI during 2015.
Participation in international or regional activities and projects related to trademark information
During the 2015 year, trademark examiners have actively participated in the following international and regional activities:
- The 33rd Session of the WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications, organized from March 16 to 20, 2015, in Geneva, Switzerland;
- The 13th session of the WIPO Working Group on the Legal development of the Madrid system for the International Registration of Marks, organized from November 2 to 6, 2015, in Geneva, Switzerland;
- The 34th session of the WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications, organized from November 16 to 18, 2015, in Geneva, Switzerland.
Assistance to developing countries
Every year the developing countries receive assistance to improve the intellectual property field on national level. This assistance is provided by the main international institutions in the field and by the national IP offices with which AGEPI has bilateral cooperation agreements or Memorandum of understanding. In 2015, the AGEPI have successfully participated with the financial assistance (full or partial) of WIPO and other institutions in the following events related to trademarks:
- Regional Seminar on enforcement of the IPRs, organized from November 11 to 13, 2015, in Budapest, Hungary.
- The 10th session of the WIPO Advisory committee on IPR enforcement, organized from November 23-25, 2015, in Geneva, Switzerland.
Other activities
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