Annual Technical Report 2009 on Industrial Design Information Activities submitted by Serbia (CWS/ATR/ID/2009/RS)
Where URLs are requested below, it is preferred that either URLs which are likely to remain stable over time (three years or more) are provided, or home (main) page URLs are provided with a short explanation of how to access the corresponding information.
The expression "industrial designs" covers industrial designs and models. Offices which issue design patents should report their design patent information activities in this series of Annual Technical Reports.
I. Evolution of registration activities
Changes experienced in terms of application filings and grants (registrations) with respect to the previous year
Of the total number of 316 industrial design applications filed in 2009, 181 applications were filed by foreign applicants under the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs, while 135 applications were filed directly with the IPO by domestic and foreign applicants (of which 28 were multiple applications, making a total of 232 industrial designs).
The year 2009 saw the registration of 268 industrial designs, of which
181 were, registered in accordance with the Hague Agreement, and 87 on the basis of applications filed directly with the IPO.
Trends or areas experiencing rapid changes with respect to the previous year
Compared to 2008, the number of applications filed directly with the IPO in 2009, was less by 18 (11.76%). The number of applications filed under the Hague Agreement was 181, which was by 170 less than in 2008 (48.43%).
URLs of web pages of the Office’s website that provide statistics related to industrial designs
II. Matters concerning the generation, reproduction, and distribution of industrial design documents and of secondary sources of industrial design information, i.e., official gazettes
Publishing, including printing, copying techniques and electronic printing
Intellectual Property Office of Serbia publishes registered national industrial designs in the Intellectual Property Gazette on paper in 100 copies and publishes on CD-ROM in 200 copies bimonthly, 6 times a year.
Main types of announcements of the Office in the field of industrial design information
Design are published in the Intellectual Property Gazette contained bibliographical data and graphical presentations or images of the industrial design registrations. The Intellectual Property Gazette, in the part referring to industrial designs, is prepared by means of computer. Information from Industrial Design data base are transferred to text processor automatically, then minimal technical preparation follows and the text is sent to printing. The following information and bibliographical data concerning registered domestic and international Industrial Design are published in the Intellectual Property Gazette – registration number, application number, filing date, registration date, date of granted priority right, validity date, information on the holder of title, information about the design has been registered. Industrial designs are published in grayscale technique.
Mass storage media and microforms used
The dossiers are on paper and are stored following the registration number or the application number for the refusals.
Databases and office automation
The Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia uses the national data base of design applications and registered designs, application software IPAS. There are national and international (according to the Hague Agreement concerning Serbia) database with graphical presentations or images.
Web site of the Office provides access to online industrial design gazettes and to other sources of industrial design information, including possibility to download of bulk industrial design data.
III. Matters concerning classifying, reclassifying and indexing of industrial design information according to the classification systems applied
Classification and reclassification activities; Classification system used, e.g., International Classification for Industrial Designs (Locarno Classification), other classification (please indicate whether industrial designs are classified by your Office and, if so, which classification is used)
Classification and reclassification activities; Classification system used, e.g., International Classification for Industrial Designs (Locarno Classification), other classification (please indicate whether industrial designs are classified by your Office and, if so, which classification is used).
The Intellectual Property Office of Serbia uses the International Classification for Industrial Designs (Locarno Classification) since 1973. All the documents are classified according to class and subclass of the Locarno Classification. Now the IPO uses and classifies according to the last edition of the Classification.
Bibliographic data and processing
The classification is used for the novelty examination search, for commercial search and for statistics.
IV. Search file establishment and upkeep
File building
Application for the grant of design right is filed to the IPO exclusively in the paper format and it is entered in the application register. It gets the application number there. The examiner determines the class of the Locarno Classification. The image of the design is scanned and entered in the IPAS data base together with the relevant data from the application. The application which meets the legally prescribed conditions for protection (novelty of design and possession of individual character) is registered. The registration number is entered in the Register of Designs and IPAS data base. The bibliographic data of the granted design and its image from the IPAS data base is forwarded to the Publication Department for the publication of registered rights and they publish the registered design in the Intellectual Property Gazette. Applications which have been rejected and refused are entered in the Register of Design Applications and the files are sent to the archive.
Every change concerning the application or the granted design is entered in the appropriate registers and in the IPAS data base.
Storage, including mass storage media
The storage is in boxes and storage closets.
Documentation from other offices maintained and/or considered part of the available search file
The most important document for the Office is the one obtained from the WIPO and that is WIPO “INTERNATIONAL DESIGNS BULLETIN” (WO).
V. Activities in the field of computerized search systems for industrial designs
In-house systems (online/offline)
The Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia uses the national data base of design applications and registered designs, IPAS. The registered designs are available to the public on the web site of the Office.
External databases
There are Internet external databases available. RCD-online is used.
Administrative management systems (e.g., register, legal status, statistics and administrative support)
IPAS application.
Equipment used (hardware, including the types of terminal and network used, and software), data carriers used
Hardware: Fujitsu SIEMENS
Server: Fujitsu SIEMENS Primergy
Workstations: Windows XP as OS, MS Office as general document management,
Software: Oracle 10GR1, IPAS application software
Server: WINDOWS 2003 Server Standard edition OS, Oracle 10gi as DBMS
Internet access – dedicated optical connection to the provider.
VI. Administration of industrial design information products and services available to the public (relating to facilities, e.g., for lodging applications, registering designs, assisting clients with search procedures, obtaining official publications and registry extracts)
Information services available to the public (including computerized services and search files contained in libraries remote from your Office and industrial design information posted by your Office on the World Wide Web)
The information services available to the public through the OFFICE are as follows:
1.Search according to the year of filing of the application,
2.Search according to the applicant,
3.Search according to the holder of rights,
4.Search according to the application number,
5.Search according to the registration number,
6.Search according to classes
7.Search according to the title of the product
8.Combination of the above mentioned
Information on the registered industrial designs in Serbia is available on the site of the Office.
URLs of web pages of the Office's website for electronic filing of industrial design applications
Not available.
URLs of web pages of the Office’s website that provide information on business procedures such as: filing, publication, examination and registration procedures related to industrial designs; opposition and appeal procedures related to industrial designs; etc.
URLs of web pages of the Office’s website that provide a description of information products and services offered by the Office (e.g., industrial design search service(s) and industrial design databases), as well as information on how to access and utilize them
VII. Matters concerning mutual exchange of industrial design documentation and information
International or regional cooperation in the exchange of industrial design information, e.g., in the form of official gazettes
In 2009, the Official Gazette of the Intellectual Property Office of
Serbia, “Intellectual Property Gazette” was delivered to the following
The Office received gazettes from the following countries: BA, BG, BY, HR, JP, KR, LT, PL, RU, TJ and WIPO.
Exchange of machine-readable information, e.g., data contained on CD-ROM or magnetic tape
There is a collection of the “WIPO International designs bulletin” ON CD-ROM.
VIII. Matters concerning education and training, including technical assistance to developing countries (please indicate URLs of web pages of the Office’s website wherever appropriate)
Promotional activities (seminars, exhibitions, visits, advertising, etc.)
Two representatives of the Group took part in the OHIM INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY SEMINAR in The Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market held from September 21 till September 25, 2009 in Alicante, Spain.
The experts from the Office have visited the manifestations at the fairs, for example The Fair of Furniture, the Fair of Motor Cars, the Fair of Civil Engineering and other manifestations taking place at the Belgrade Fair.
On several occasions, the experts from the Office gave interviews in the daily papers and specialized magazines on the importance and procedure of protection of industrial designs.
IX.Other general information related to the Office that is available on the Internet -- URLs of web pages of the Office’s website that:
provide information on legislation related to industrial designs
contain the Annual Report of the Office
X. Other relevant matters