UIDescription of requestsStatusNotes
Office portalDelete wrongly uploaded documents to the registration tabResolved

For the moment, for deleting documents that were erroneously uploaded, please send an email to das.support@wipo.int, indicating the document name to delete.  For the moment it will be done manually by the support team (pending availability of resources).

Please check the following wiki page with the instructions on how to delete your documents from the upload list: d.4.2.2.- Deleting wrongly uploaded file to Office portal

Applicant portalNotification of changes to a file being trackedPendingThe feature is currently disabled.   Development team is working on a fix, for the moment is still pending.
Applicant portalThe date format in the DAS Applicant Portal (https://wipodas.wipo.int/applicants/) you propose in the 'Add Tracking' submenu, i.e. yyyy-mm-dd, is unlike anywhere else on the WIPO website. Anywhere else on the WIPO website and filing webpages, the format is dd/mm/yyyy.pending Under analysis.
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