The WIPO Digital Access Service Office Portal ("DAS Office Portal"(“DAS”), available at DAS Office Portal, allows https://www.wipo.int/das/en/, allows you to meet requirements for providing priority and similar documents in respect of participating Offices, without the need to obtain and send multiple certified paper copies of an application.
Instead, you ask the Office where you are claiming priority (“Office of Second Filing” or OSF) to download a copy of the document directly from a digital library, normally held by or on behalf of the Office where the earlier application was filed from which priority is claimed (“Office of First Filing” or OFF).
It is essential that users properly understand what is required to give permission for this transfer. Because the system is designed to work between pairs of Offices, which may have no other working relationship, there are steps involved, which are different from, or additional to those in other priority document exchange systems in operation between certain Offices.
Note |
As of January February 1, 20192023, there are 20 38 DAS participating Offices using DAS Office portalin total. |
Participating Offices:
An up-to-date list of participating Offices is maintained on the WIPO DAS website at: https://www.wipo.int/das/en/news
User guide contents:
Children Display |
Unavailability of systems components
The DAS system as a whole depends on the IT systems of many different Offices, over which the International Bureau has no control.
It may also delay the Office of Second Filing from successfully retrieving a copy of your application, but this should only affect you in extreme cases and you should always be given an opportunity to supply a paper certified copy, in the unlikely event that the system fails completely for any particular case.
Lost Access Control Codes
If you lose your DAS access code for an earlier application filed at CN, EP, FI, JP, KR, NZ or US, please contact the Office where you filed that application.
If the application was filed at another DAS participating Office, contact the PCT eServices Help Desk for the access code to be resent to the e- mail address that you have provided for DAS purposes.
For any DAS related questions, please contact the PCT eServices Help Desk, available Monday to Friday from 09:00 until 18:00 Central European Time. Every attempt will be made to respond to questions within one business day.