The following is a table which details the samples that have been register in WIPO DAS ACPT, that can be used for testing:
Info |
Hosted: a copy of the PDF document of the priority is kept in the WIPO DAS repository. TDA: |
Office type | Country code | IP Type | priority number | filing date | access code | Notes |
Hosted | IB | patent | PCT/IB2015/050010 |
2015-01-01 | 4CF5 | 0 = Successful | |
Hosted | IB | patent | PCT/IB2016/050001 |
2016-01-01 | AD21 | 0 = Successful | ||
Hosted | IB | patent | PCT/IB2017/058535 | 2017-12 |
-30 |
D64E | 0 = Successful | |||
Hosted | IB | patent | PCT/IB2018/060000 | 2018-12 |
-13 |
09BC | 0 = Successful | |||||
Hosted | CA | patent | 2362-2000 | 2001-11 |
-13 |
E20E | 0 = Successful | ||
Hosted | CA | patent | 2235-2001 |
2001-04-10 | 8BF2 | 0 = Successful |
Hosted |
BE | patent |
2024/0936 | 2024-09-01 | ABCD | 0 = Successful |
TDA | JP | patent |
2022- |
278710 | 2020-09-08 | CDE2 | 0 = Successful |
TDA | JP | patent | 2019-477301 |
2019-05-02 |
AC01 | 0 = Successful | |
TDA | JP | Industrial Design |
2019-477303 D |
2019-05-02 | AC03 | 0 = Successful | |
TDA | JP | patent | 2019-477304 |
2019-05-02 | AC04 | 0 = Successful | |
TDA | JP | Industrial Design | 2019- |
477306 D | 2019-05-02 |
AC66 | 0 = Successful | |||||
TDA | EM |
Industrial Design |
099018756-0001 |
2024- |
07-15 | 1F96 | Might not be working due to issue in EM endpoint |
TDA | EM |
Industrial Design |
099018707-0002 |
2022- |
04-10 | D235 | Might not be working due to issue in EM endpoint | ||||
TDA | US | Industrial Design | 29944975 | 2024-05-31 | 8285 | 0 = Successful |
TDA | US | Industrial Design | 29944993 | 2024-05-31 | 7729 | 0 = Successful |
TDA | US | Patent | 16772585 | 2020-06-12 | 1090 | 0 = Successful |
TDA | US | patent |
11828737 | 2007-07-26 |
9861 | 0 = Successful |
TDA | US | patent | 10982406 | 2004-11-05 | 8949 | 0 = Successful |
TDA | US | patent | 11881319 |
2024-07-26 | 9981 | 0 = Successful |
TDA | US | patent | 04041512 | 2008-08-21 | DUMY | 1 = Application number provided was not found. |
TDA | US | patent | 10240700 | 2002-10-02 | 3992 | 2 = File is not available. |
TDA | US | Industrial Design | 29030094 | 1994-10-20 | 2614 | 3 = Document(s) was not found. |
TDA | US | patent | 10001701 | 2001-10-31 | 3687 | 5 = File is not available to the public, and no authorization to permit access has been filed. |
TDA | US | patent | 10176913 | 2002-06-20 | 6274 | 7 =Oversized Document -CD will be mailed. |
TDA | US | patent | 10612334 | 2003-07-02 |
3803 | 12- The response status is The request is under processing, the response will be sent later. |
TDA | US | patent | 60826979 | 2006- |
09-26 | 7335 | 13 = Application number does not correspond with bibliographic data. | ||||
TDA | XX | Industrial Design | 202406006 | 2024-06-15 | 1221 | 1 = Application number provided was not found |
TDA | XX | Patent | 202406001 | 2024-06-15 | 1221 | 2 = File is not available. |
TDA | XX | Industrial Design | 202406009 | 2024-06-15 | 1221 | 3 = Document(s) was not found. |
TDA | XX | Industrial Design | 202406012 | 2024-06-15 | A221 | 5 = File is not available to the public and no authorization to permit access has been filed. |
TDA | XX | Patent | 202408035 | 2024-07-19 | AB21 | 7 =Oversized Document -CD will be mailed. |
TDA | XX | Patent | 202306011 | 2024-06-15 | 1221 | 12- The response status is The request is under processing the response will be sent later. |
Note |
Only published applications will be made available in the ACPT platform for the test |