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What are the file size limits for WIPO Sequence?

The following thresholds have been established during testing of version 2.1.0:

Importing a sequence listing

  • For an ST.25 sequence listing: ~71,000 sequences depending on the types of sequences this sequence listing contains
  • For an ST.26 sequence listing: For simple sequences*: 650,000-700,000 and for complex sequences**:  7,000-8,000

Validating a sequence listing (ST.26):

  • For simple sequences*: 250,000
  • For complex sequences**:  7,000

Generating a sequence listing (ST.26):

  • For simple sequences*: >180,000
  • For complex sequences**: ~7,000

Validating a project

  • For simple sequences*: 180,000

*A simple sequence is considered to be one with just a source feature and an organism name and mol_type qualifier.

**A complex sequence is considered to be one containing valid mandatory and optional features and qualifiers. The size limits were tested against complex sequences with all of the valid features and qualifiers, whether optional or mandatory.