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Annual Technical Report 2011 on Patent Information Activities submitted by Ukraine (CWS/ATR/PI/2011/UA)

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The term "patent" covers utility models and Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPCs). Offices which issue design patents should report their design patent information activities in their Annual Technical Reports on Industrial Design Information Activities.

I. Evolution of patent activities

Changes experienced in terms of application filings and grants with respect to the previous year

Statistical evolution concerning:

Applications filed:
in 2010 – 5311, in 2011 – 5256, i.e. 1% decrease with respect to the previous year.
Patents granted:
in 2010 – 3874, in 2011 – 4061, i.e. 4.8% increase with respect to the previous year.

Utility models
Applications filed:
in 2010 – 10678, in 2011 – 10427, 2.4% decrease.
Patents granted:
in 2010 – 9405, in 2011 – 10291, 9.4% increase with respect to the previous year.

Trends or areas experiencing rapid changes with respect to the previous year

In 2011, the highest percentage of filed applications was in the following technical areas: “Medical or veterinary science; hygiene” – IPC Class A61 (11.8%); “Organic chemistry” – IPC Class C07 (11.0%); “Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry…” - IPC Class A01 (6.0%); “Measuring, testing” – IPC class G01 (4.1%).

URLs of web pages of the Office’s website that provide statistics related to patents

II. Matters concerning the generation, reproduction, distribution and use of primary and secondary sources of patent information

Publishing, printing, copying (main types of publications of the Office in the field of patent information, etc.)

Information concerning patents and utility models is published in the following official publications of the State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine (further - the SIPS): the Official Bulletin “Promyslova Vlasnist” (“Industrial Property”) and patent and utility model specifications.
Like in the previous year, the Official Bulletin was issued twice a month. In 2011, 24 issues of the Bulletin were published with the total amount of 1963.31 publisher’s signatures and the circulation from 70 to 85 copies, and the Annual Index to the Bulletin for the previous, 2010 year, with the total amount of 182.44 publisher’s signatures and the circulation of 45 copies. 14343 patent specifications were published during the reporting period.
The Official Bulletin “Promyslova Vlasnist” and patent (utility model) specifications of Ukraine were issued both on paper and electronic carriers with the same frequency.
During the reporting year the Official Bulletin “Promyslova Vlasnist” on DVD and the national CD-ROM “Inventions in Ukraine” were sent free of charge to the bodies of the National Scientific and Technical Information System and some other organizations of Ukraine and to the foreign IP offices in the framework of international exchange of patent documentation.
During the reporting year were also published:
- quarterly review “Industrial Property in Figures. The basic indicators of the activities of the State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine and the State Enterprise “Ukrainian Industrial Property Institute””;
- scientific and practical periodical "Intellectual Property ";

Main types of announcements of the Office in the field of patent information

Information concerning inventions and utility models is published in Book 1 of the Official Bulletin “Promyslova Vlasnist” in the following sections: “Information about Invention Applications Accepted for Examination”, “Information on the Grant of Patents of Ukraine for Inventions”, “Information on the Grant of Patents of Ukraine for Utility Models”, in the Indexes to each section and in the “Notifications” section”.
Notifications contain bibliographic data, claims, abstracts and specifications for inventions and utility models. Information concerning legal status of the patents is also provided in the DB “Inventions (Utility Models) in Ukraine”

Mass storage media used (paper, microforms, optical storage, etc.)

Mass storage media for information about inventions and utility models in the State Enterprise “Ukrainian Industrial Property Institute” (further – SE “UIPI”) are servers of electronic databases, Storage Area Network disc data storage systems, optical DVDs and magnetic tapes.
Special software is used for data file preparing and writing it on optical disks. Optical disks are formed with use of the EPO mixed mode authoring software MIMOSA.

Word processing and office automation

Incoming documents flow on paper carriers is processed by the system of current scanning and recognition of text documents based on the ABBYY Recognition Server 3.0. Digitized documents of applications are accumulated in "electronic dossiers" of applications and stored in the Central electronic documents archive. The Central electronic documents archive is integrated with all technological automated systems.
Details of incoming documents on which an identification of the object to which the incoming document relates is carried out, are automatically defined in the medium of the “Inventions” AS.
Processing of applications for inventions is carried out by means of the “Inventions” AS software. The whole cycle of documents generation, endorsing, signing, transfer and registration is based on paperless (electronic) technology.
The automated functions for applications for inventions and utility models processing control, selecting of applications for inventions and utility models, administration of users within the Division of Examination of Applications for Inventions, Utility Models and Integrated Circuits Topographies were realized in the "Inventions" AS.
In 2011, the software for implementation of the functions of electronic record keeping under the Appeals Chamber procedure was developed. The subsystem “Appeal Cases” is a separate component providing information and technological support for considering oppositions to IPRs. The subsystem is integrated into the “Inventions” AS medium and technologically interacts with the Central Electronic Documents Archive (CEDA), “Trademarks and Service Marks” AS and “Industrial Designs” AS.
In 2011, the system of electronic filing of applications was implemented for trial operation. 911 electronic applications were received in the mode of experimental testing.
Filing of applications and exchange of documents between the applicants and examination body is carried out by means of the system of electronic filing of applications in electronic format.

(New) techniques used for the generation of patent information (printing, recording, photocomposing, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), etc.)

Forming of the publication sections is carried out automatically by means of the “Inventions” AS software. The prepared layout of the publication is forwarded to the printing office for its replication.
The technology of conversion the paper documents into electronic format based on the system of recognition ABBYY Recognition Server 3.0. is used for publication of patent information in electronic form.
- URLs of web pages of the Office’s website that provide access to online publications of patent documents and gazettes, and other primary and secondary sources of patent information, including patent publication servers and download of bulk patent data
The on-line publications of patent documents are accessible in free access from the web pages of the web-portal of the SIPS and the web-site of the SE “UIPI”:

III. Matters concerning abstracting, classifying, reclassifying and indexing of technical information contained in patent documents

Abstracting, reviewing, translating

Abstracts and bibliographic data are formed routinely in three languages (Ukrainian, Russian and English) for publication in the Internet in the specialized database “Inventions (Utility Models) in Ukraine” and on optical disks.

Classification1, preclassification2 (if applicable), and reclassification3 activities; Classification system used, e.g., International Patent Classification (IPC), other classification (please indicate whether or not patent documents are classified by your Office and, if so, which classification is used)

The International Patent Classification (IPC) is used for classifying patent documents of Ukraine. Since 2011, the Ukrainian version of IPC-2011.01 was used for classifying patent documents of Ukraine. Its composition was defined by the “List of valid symbols of the IPC-2011.01, which are used for classifying national patent documents of Ukraine since January 1, 2011”, approved by the State Department of Intellectual Property (at present the State Intellectual Property Service).

Within the “Inventions” AS the software system for checking the classification symbols is operative. It includes classification guides and specialized software for checking the allotted classification symbols and reclassifying.
In 2011, the complete collection of applications for inventions and utility models was reclassified according to the current (2011.01) Ukrainian version of the IPC.

Hybrid system indexing

The Ukrainian version of the IPC used for classifying national patent documents includes hybrid systems, in particular, above 800 indexing codes of the indexing schemes are used together with classification symbols (about 38.5 thousand symbols).

IV. Search file establishment and upkeep

File building

For the purpose of information search in the course of examination of applications for inventions the Patent Information Base for Examination Purposes (PIB) is operative. Its composition is approved by appropriate Order of the Head of the SIPS. The PIB contains patent collections of WIPO, the EPO and the EAPO, as well as such foreign patent Offices as Austria, Great Britain, Canada, Germany, the Russian Federation, former Soviet Union, USA, France, Switzerland, Japan, CIS countries and Ukraine.
The patent collections of the designated countries were converted into “Integrated search portal”. National patent documentation is also loaded into technological database of the in-house “Inventions” AS and Central electronic documents archive.
The PIB constituent is the Reference and Information Collection (RIC) of examination which is the basis for reference and information and library service of the SIPS and SE “UIPI” specialists, in the first place – examiners. The RIC contains books, booklets, periodicals, as well as national patent documentation – the Official Bulletin “Promyslova Vlasnist” (on paper and DVD) and national CD-ROM “Vynakhody v Ukraini” (“Inventions in Ukraine”).
Besides PIB, a number of foreign commercial databases, an access to which is provided via the Internet, and free of charge Internet-resources, the List of which is defined by appropriate Order of the Director of the SE “UIPI”, are used during the examination of applications for inventions. These include the following databases: search system EPOQUE Net (EPO); “Chemical Abstracts Service” (via STN); “Reaxys” of the company ”Elsevier Information Systems GmbH” (Germany); “Derwent World Patent Index” of the company “Thomson Reuters (Professional) UK Limited” Great Britaine), “ScienceDirect® ArticleChoice™” (“Elsevier B.V.” (the Netherlands); the WIPO ARDI Programm; the databank of the All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of the Russian Academy of Sciences; DB “All Encyclopedias of Rubricon” (“Twincom”, the Russian Federation); “PubMed” U.S. National Library of Medicine.


Updating of the PIB is implemented by current acquisition of patent documentation which is acquired in the framework of international co-operation and exchange of patent documentation.
Updating of the database of the “Inventions” AS and the Central electronic documents archive is implemented routinely by scanning incoming documents, converting them into electronic format and loading to the appropriate databases which are accessible from the web-portal of the SIPS and the web-site of the SE “UIPI”.

Storage, including mass storage media

The means of mass storage of data on inventions and utility models used in the SE “UIPI” are the servers of the electronic databases, Storage Area Network disc data storage systems, optical DVDs and magnetic tapes.

Documentation from other offices maintained and/or considered part of the available search file

The foreign patent documentation on optical media received by the SE “UIPI” in the framework of international co-operation and exchange of patent documentation includes, in particular, the publications of Austria, Great Britain, Canada, USA, CIS countries, EAPO was maintained in 2011. The patent documentation of these countries is a component of the PIB, i.e a part of the search collection.
The patent documentation of other countries and organizations, which is a part of the PIB, ceased to come to Ukraine in 2011 as its publication on physical carriers (on paper, optical discs) was discontinued. It is accessible only via the Internet.

V. Activities in the field of computerized and other mechanized search systems

In-house systems (online/offline)

The in-house computerized search systems for inventions and utility models comprise those of the “Inventions” AS, the incoming applications Register, the “Indicators” AS, the Central electronic documents archive and the “Integrated search portal”.

The “Integrated search portal” with numerous patent databases which contain data on national patents and applications for inventions and utility models and patent documentation of foreign patent offices, acquired within the framework of international exchange, was introduced for carrying out the examination of applications in the SE “UIPI”.
The “Integrated search portal” has multifunctional search mechanism and tools for viewing information, allowing:
- carry out full-text search in the selected sources or group of sources;
- view search results for each of the sources;
- quickly turn to a snippet of the text that contains search terms;
- forming search results report;
- keep history of a search queries;
- printing of documents;
- export of documents.

External databases

For information supply of the public at large, the following interactive DBs accessible via the Internet, and optical data carriers (CD-ROM) were used:

-- Specialized DB “Inventions (Utility Models) in Ukraine”;
-- Collective access DB “Information about Invention Applications Accepted for Examination”;
-- DB “Electronic Version of the Cumulative Official Bulletin “Promyslova Vlasnist”;
-- DB “Inventions of Foreign Countries” (test version);
-- DB “Information about Court Decisions on Cases Concerning Industrial Property Rights”;
-- IRS “Invention and Utility Models Applications Processing State”;
-- IRS “Information about Patents of Ukraine for Inventions (Utility Models) Deemed Invalidated and about Lapsed Patents”;
-- IRS “International Patent Classification. Basic groups (2011.01)”;
-- DVD “Official Bulletin “Promyslova Vlasnist”;
-- National CD-ROM “Inventions in Ukraine”.

Administrative management systems (e.g., register, legal status, statistics and administrative support)

Administrative support and maintenance of the State Patents Register of Ukraine for inventions and the State Patents Register of Ukraine for utility models are realized by the registry database and the specialized workstation of the State Registry functioning in the environment of the “Inventions” AS. The legal status data are captured in the said database. The statistical indicators are collected by special software.

Equipment used (hardware, including the types of terminal and network used, and software), carriers used

Processing of applications for inventions is carried out by means of the “Inventions” AS, which functions in the LAN environment under the operating systems Windows 2003 Server, Windows Server 2008 and virtualization technology on virtualization platforms Hiper-V and VMware. Up-to-date personal computers with the operating system Windows XP Professional and Windows 7 are used as workstations.
The data storage network is built on the basis of the Fiber Channel technology.
The search portal is built on the basis of the web-technology. It functions in the environment under the operating system Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 4.
The WebServer: Apache/1.3.41 + mod_php (PHP 5.1.6) is used.

Existing online thesauri; their structure, presentation and usefulness for computerized searches

In order to accelerate searching, to avoid errors when forming search requests, electronic dictionaries were integrated into the “Inventions” AS. They include information about patent attorneys, patent classifications and tables of the valid IPC symbols, reference lists of the classification titles, classifiers of the incoming and outgoing documents (letters, requests, demands etc.), classifiers of the kinds of fees, normative, reference and ancillary information.

VI. Administration of the industrial property office library, and information products and services available to the public (relating to facilities, e.g., for lodging applications, for assisting clients on searching procedures, for obtaining official publications and registry extracts)

Collecting, acquisitions, preparation

In order to satisfy public needs for patent information in Ukraine, the Public Patent Documentation Collection (PPDC) functions within the structure of the SE “UIPI” branch “Ukrainian Centre of Innovatics and Patent Information Services” (further – the Branch). The PPDC is the most comprehensive patent library in Ukraine available to the public. The PPDC is constantly supplied with national and foreign patent documentation.
The main source of foreign patent documentation updating remains, for nearly two decades, international cooperation with WIPO, the EPO and other foreign patent offices, in particular, bilateral international exchange of patent documentation with foreign patent offices which is performed by the SE “UIPI”, appointed in 2003 by the law as the Centre of international exchange of publications according to the “Convention on International Exchange of Publications”, adopted by the General Conference of the United Nations for Education, Science and Culture in December 3, 1958. During this period, such international cooperation allowed to accumulate in the State system of intellectual property rights protection a considerable amount of current and retrospective foreign patent documentation on paper and optical carriers which meet today the needs of the users.
In 2011 the tendency of use by national patent offices of the Internet for official publications was remained and as a result, the traditional publications on paper, CD-ROM or DVD were gradually discontinued. Therefore, within a few years, the exchange of publications on physical carriers progressively turns into the exchange of electronic information via the Internet.
Thus, in the framework of this process, the following publications ceased to come to Ukraine in 2011, part of which was changed for appropriate Internet-resources:
• WIPO: the Official Bulletin “WIPO Gazette of International Marks” on DVD and “International Designs Bulletin” on CD-ROM;
• Germany (since June 2011): DEPAROM -ACT and DEPAROM-U on DVD;
• Armenia: the Official Bulletin “Industrial Property” on CD-ROM;
• Estonia (since October 2011): the Official Bulletins “The Estonian Patent Gazette”, “The Estonian Utility Model Gazette”, “The Estonian Trademark Gazett”, “The Estonian Industrial Designs Gazette” on paper.

In spite of these tendencies, during the reporting year the PPDC was updated by a considerable amount of foreign patent documentation, first of all on optical discs. By the end of 2011, the PPDC numbered over 20.5 thousand copies of official bulletins and 365.5 thousand patent specifications on paper, and the collection of patent documentation on optical discs exceeded 17.44 thousand items.
Information about the content of the PPDC and its updates is posted in the “Information Resources” section of the web-portal of the SIPS ( and the web-sites of the SE “UIPI” ( and its branch “Ukrainian Centre of Innovatics and Patent Information Services” (
Taking into consideration the world tendency which within the last five years gives convincing evidence of many patent offices abandoning the practice of issuing official publications on paper and even electronic (paperless) publications and significant expansion of the creation and use of interactive publications, a number of measures were taken in 2011 to create a Digital Patent Library (DPL). To fulfill the endorsed conception of the digital patent library, a set of works was created out to establish the first stage of the DPL, in particular, the DPL web-site was developed comprising catalogues and information files available to users through the Internet at:

Collection management, preservation

The management of the contents, coverage and structure of the document collection was carried out with the due consideration of the users’ needs.
The information collection is provided with up-to-date computer equipment suitable for operating with the sophisticated software used by patent offices of different countries on CD-ROM and DVD. The information was transferred from discs and accumulated on the network management server, which significantly accelerated the searching speed.
With the aim to preserve the collection, modern technologies of protecting library stocks from theft, damage and the like are used. Video surveillance, fire safety (fire alarm, fire notification, fire fighting) ventilation and air conditioning is ensured.

Information services available to the public (including computerized services and search files contained in libraries remote from your Office and patent information posted by your Office on the World Wide Web)

Formation, management and organization of use of the PPDC are the tasks of the Information Search Division of the Branch. It makes patent and normative documentation available to all those interested in creation, legal protection and use of IPRs. On users’ requests, the Division carries out different kinds of patent information and documentation searches concerning inventions, utility models, industrial designs, marks for goods and services (bibliographic data, full specifications to patents, abstracts, images etc.). The Information Search Division provides services on qualified drawing up of a search order, i.e. defining the subject of the search, information sources and classification entries of the International Classifications of the IPRs. The Division’s staff having a good command of several foreign languages carries out searches on CD-ROM and in remote patent documentation databases via the Internet. Besides, the Division also provides the following services:

- consultations on the content of the PPDC, the most efficient ways of carrying out information search, the reference and search tools exploitation;
- free use of the PPDC reading halls and information materials of free access. These, in the first place, include national patent documentation (the Official Bulletin and patent specifications of Ukraine), official bulletins of foreign patent offices, patent information periodicals, normative, scientific and methodical literature, subject and alphabetical catalogues, International Patent Classification in the Ukrainian translation.

The list of services provided by the Branch to the general public is presented on the Branch’s web-site at

The main sources of computerized services are:
- the Official Bulletin “Promyslova Vlasnist” on optical discs with a search system;
- Specialized DB “Inventions (Utility Models) in Ukraine”;
- Collective access DB “Information about Invention Applications Accepted for Examination”;
- DB “Electronic Version of the Cumulative Official Bulletin “Promyslova Vlasnist”;
- DB “Information about Court Decisions on Cases Concerning Industrial Property Rights”;
- IRS “Invention and Utility Models Applications Processing State”;
- IRS “Information about Patents of Ukraine for Inventions (Utility Models) Deemed Invalidated and about Lapsed Patents”;
- IRS “International Patent Classification. Basic groups (2011.01).

These information resources are accessible from the web pages in the Internet at:

URLs of web pages of the Office's website for electronic filing of patent applications

URLs of web pages of the Office’s website that provide information on business procedures such as: filing, publication, examination and grant procedures related to patents; opposition and appeal procedures related to patents; etc.

URLs of web pages of the Office’s website that provide a description of information products and services offered by the Office (e.g., patent search service(s) and patent databases), as well as information on how to access and utilize them

VII. Matters concerning mutual exchange of patent documentation and information

Medium used for exchange of priority documents

In the framework of international exchange of patent documentation the SE “UIPI”, appointed by the law as the Centre of international exchange of publications, sent in 2011 national patent documentation, in particular, the Official Bulletin “Promyslova Vlasnist” on DVD, to 29 foreign patent offices, and the national CD-ROM “Inventions in Ukraine” – to 11 foreign patent offices. In its turn, patent documentation from 14 foreign Offices was supplied to Ukraine.
Besides, in the reporting year the SE “UIPI” was sending to the EPO data on patents of Ukraine (bibliographic data, abstracts in English), including those provided under the Agreement on full access to the EPOQUE Net Service, which ensured a solid foundation for successful bilateral cooperation with this leading office.

Medium allowed for filing applications

Applications for inventions and utility models are filed in two ways:
- on paper carriers;
- in electronic format by means of the electronic filing system;

The electronic filing system functions in the mode of trial operation, therefore copies of applications on paper carriers are filed together with electronic applications.

VIII. Other relevant matters concerning education and training in, and promotion of, the use of patent information, including technical assistance to developing countries (please indicate URLs of web pages of the Office’s website wherever appropriate)

Assistance furnished by offices to facilitate the changing over of receiving offices to electronic data carriers for the exchange of patent documents (see also fourth sub-item of item VI, above)

In the year under review the State Intellectual Property Service (SIPS), according to the tasks allotted, took actions on training, retraining and skill upgrading of the specialists on intellectual property.
The course «Intellectual property» was taught in 145 higher education institutions of Ukraine of the III-IV level of accreditation in 2010/2011. More than 120 thousand students studied Specialist and Master educational and professional programs.
15 higher education institutions were licensed by the Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sport of Ukraine (the Ministry) to perform educational activity on the staff training and skills development in specialty 7(8).18010011 «Intellectual Property» of the Specialist’s and Master’s degree.
In 2011, one more higher education institution – Donetsk National Technical University – submitted a request for licensing to perform Master training in this specialty.
Two education institutions have licenses to perform training and educational activity according to the appropriate qualification requirements for skill upgrading of the specialists in the field of intellectual property, namely, Intellectual Property Institute of the Odessa National Academy of Law in Kyiv (250 students per year) and Intersectoral Institute of Postgraduate Education of the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (300 students per year).
In the same year, the above mentioned higher education institutions admitted 332 persons for Master degree training, and 133 persons for Specialist degree training, 273 of which for studying at public expense.
Primary higher education institution for training, retraining and skill upgrading of specialists in the field of intellectual property, that is Intellectual Property Institute of the Odessa National Academy of Law in Kyiv (the Institute), have trained 130 Specialists and 40 Masters in specialty «Intellectual Property», including 62 persons on the request from the central agencies of state administration, namely: SIPS – 39 persons, courts – 6 persons, Security Service of Ukraine – 6 persons, State Customs of Ukraine – 6 persons, Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine – 4 persons, and Ministry of Justice of Ukraine – 1 person. Furthermore, 4 Masters of Law were trained in specialty «Intellectual Property Rights».
Moreover, during the reporting period, the Institute continued training of foreign citizens from Kazakhstan in the «Intellectual Property» Master program.
The Institute paid special attention to training of specialists in the field of intellectual property commercialization. Thus, within the memorandum with Leif Gram – head of the «Support of High-Tech and Innovation Enterprises and Technology Transfer to Business in Ukraine» EU project, the training center has been established at the Institute, followed by the elaboration of guidelines for this center and training course «Support of Innovations», under which two three-day-trainings for scientists and entrepreneurs, hosted by the Institute and the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, were held.
On April 21–22, the Institute arranged the XI National Research to Practice Conference «Problems of Training of Specialists in the Field of Intellectual Property, Information-Analytical and Innovation Activities in Ukraine» in Kyiv under the auspices of SIPS. 67 people were involved in the Conference, including representatives of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, lecturers and academic teaching staff of the higher education institutions, specialists from other institutions and organizations.
According to the program of scientific methodological conferences on the problems of higher education and science in the system of the Ministry, there was the III International Research to Practice Conference «Place and Role of Intellectual Property in the Innovative Development of Economy» held on November 9-11 in Kyiv. It welcomed representatives of the higher education institutions, industrial enterprises, research and production associations, and scientific research institutes of Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.
In 2011, the Institute organized and conducted advanced training within the professional course «Intellectual Property» for 78 academic teachers of higher education institutions from all regions of Ukraine.
In July of the reporting year, the Third Summer School on intellectual property issues was successfully held in Odessa on the basis of the Odessa National Academy of Law. Its aim was to provide opportunity for senior students and young professionals to improve their knowledge in the field of intellectual property, to estimate intellectual property as the tool of economic, social, cultural and technological development of the society. Ukraine became the first country in the CIS where this important mission is realized.
In the year under report, SIPS organized and held 5 conferences, 3 of which were international, 24 special-purpose workshops, including 9 international and 7 regional, on topical issues related to the acquisition, protection, exercise and enforcement of intellectual property rights. In particular the following events were held: Training on Development of Innovations; International Workshop on Intellectual Property Management and Commercialization of Technologies for Universities, Government Research Centers, Small and Medium Enterprises in CIS Countries; Training Workshop on Issues on Industrial Property Rights Examination and Management; Workshop on Particular Issues Associated with the Examination of Applications for Inventions and Utility Models; Workshop on Technical and Legal Aspects of the Implementation of Electronic Document Management and Digital Signature in the Context of Acquisition of Industrial Property Rights; Workshop on Use of Paperless Information Technologies in the Context of Acquisition of Industrial Property Rights; VII International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies “New Time”; Doors Open Day dedicated to the Day of Inventor and Innovator; Workshop on Examination Body Feedback on Appeals Chamber Decisions; Workshop on Digital Patent Library Services.
Important representative and efficient meetings for discussing scientific, methodological and practical intellectual property issues are International Research to Practice Conferences on Topical Intellectual Property Issues bi-annualy held in Ukraine (in winter in Lviv City and in summer in Yalta, Autonomous Republic of Crimea) organized by SIPS in cooperation with WIPO, the EPO.
Main topics of the Conference were the following: development strategy of the intellectual property rights protection system of Ukraine; copyright and related rights on the Internet; legal protection, enforcement and use of geographical indications within the European practice; intellectual property rights protection and enforcement; trademarks and service marks: aspects of the legal protection and enforcement; patent information support and automation of the examination body proceedings; innovation activities and commercialization of intellectual property rights.
Specialists of the state system of intellectual property legal protection took an active part in another more than 20 seminars and conferences, including international ones, in working meetings and other events held by different Ukrainian organizations.
Within the year 2011 the SIPS performed substantive work on organizing conferences, trainings, seminars, exhibitions, visits as well as promotion of creative activities. Detailed information about all the events can be found in the relevant section of the 2011 Annual Report of the SIPS at its official web-portal:

IX. Other general information related to the Office that is available on the Internet -- URLs of web pages of the Office’s website that:

provide information on legislation related to patents

contain the Annual Report of the Office

Publication of the Annual Technical Reports on patent information activities is carried out on the web-portal of the SIPS beginning from ATR-2008:

contain patent-related news regarding the Office

X. Other relevant matters

1.Classification is allotting one or more classification symbols (e.g., IPC symbols) to a patent application, either before or during search and examination, which symbols are then published with the patent application.

2.Preclassification is allotting an initial broad classification symbol (e.g., IPC class or subclass, or administrative unit) to a patent application, using human or automated means for internal administrative purposes (e.g., routing an application to the appropriate examiner).  Usually preclassification is applied by the administration of an office.

3.Reclassification is the reconsideration and usually the replacement of one or more previously allotted classification symbols to a patent document, following a revision and the entry into force of a new version of the Classification system (e.g., the IPC).  The new symbols are available on patent databases.

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