Annual Technical Report on Patent Information Activities in 2015 submitted by EGYPT/ EGYPTIAN PATENT OFFICE
Outline of main policies and plans aimed at development of patent information activities and expected time frames for their realization:
EGYPO Vision
Our leadership and expertise in intellectual property support creativity, enhance innovation, and contribute to economic success.
EGYPO Mission
" Protecting the intellectual property of the applicant
" Granting patents to Egyptians & foreigners
" Protecting patents, innovations & inventions
" Promoting scientific innovation
" Encouraging scientists to patent their works
" Supporting industries
" Providing greater certainty in the marketplace through high-quality and timely IP rights
" Fostering & supporting invention and creativity through knowledge sharing
" Transferring technological information from patents all over the world and providing it to specialists in order to develop their works and develop local industries
" (monthly)Publishing of the official patent gazette, which includes accepted applications, granted patents, assignment applications, amendment of the applications, merger of the applications, publication for exploitation of patents, technical refusal applications,
Work Plan for the Activities of the Egyptian IP Academy
This work plan was established the following activities are included:
1. The Egyptian Customized Version of DL101 General Course on IP
2. Scholarships to WIPO Advanced Distance Learning Programs
3. Scholarships to Professional Development Programs
4. Future Professional Development Program in Egypt
5. Establishment of ongoing IP Training Programs
6. The National Institute of Intellectual Property
7. Supporting Technology Transfer Offices in Universities
8. Cooperation with relevant organizations in other countries
9. Grant for the Annual conference of the International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property
10. Basic bibliography for training programs
11. Other suggested Activities
Arabpat and exchange patent
1. we exchange 5000 for grant patent to EPO & WIPO on arabpat ftp server as back file
2. we send 1000 for grant patent to EPO & WIPO on arabpat ftp server as front file from eg 026000 to eg 027000
3. we send all the abstracts for Egyptian applications in Arabic and English for machine language
New projects launched or resumed this year in the context of the policies and plans mentioned above, short description: aims, partners, tasks
- Signing a mutual Memorandum of Understanding between EGYPO and JAPO, aiming at exchanging experiences, supporting EGYPO employee training, exceeding the examination of PCT Patent applications "PPH"
- Studying a mutual Memorandum of Understanding between EGYPO and SIPO, aiming at exceeding the examination of PCT Patent applications "PPH"
- Complete writing Twinning Fiche project in order to contribute to the approximation of the Egyptian primary legislation being in force with the EU Acquis, to reform EGYPO workflow from semi automated to full automated system, and to strengthen the technical and institutional capacities to be in line with EU respective patent offices. 3 phases of the project have been done as following; Assessment and gap analysis of EGYPO and preparation of the report, followed by Finalization of the Twinning Fiche or Terms of Reference then capacity building workshop on IP Marketing.
- Increasing PCT applications up to 49 ones; 15 applications submitted by Saudi Patent Office , one submitted by IB and 33 submitted by Egyptians.
Main areas of patent information activities and related information and communication technology (ICT) practices which were in the focus of attention last year
In 2015 the patents form IPC section
- A human necessities have been 14.8%
- C chemistry 32.8%
- B performing operations ; transporting 20.8%
- E fixed constructions 9.3%
- F mechanical engineering, lighting heating weapons blasting 7. 3%
- G physics 10. 9 %
- H Electricity 3.81%
- D textiles 0.2%
Statistics: changes in terms of application filings and grants with respect to previous year; trends or areas experiencing rapid changes
1.14 % more patent than 2014.
Applications FILING :
Total | Non resident within pairs convention | Resident National | Year |
782 | 34 | 748 | 2014 |
763 | 46 | 717 | 2015 |
Total | International phase | National phase | Year |
1094 | 43 | 1051 | 2014 |
1394 | 49 | 1345 | 2015 |
Total | Non resident | Resident | Year |
415 | 350 | 65 | 2014 |
472 | 380 | 92 | 2015 |
Other matters and useful links (URLs): annual report of the Office, news page, statistics, etc.
Annual report link:
New guide link:
Magazine link:
Information and support provided by the Office to applicants regarding filing on paper and/or e-filing (instructions, seminars, etc.) - URLs
- There are applications form for registration on EGYPO website
- Applicant can follow the status of his application throw mail office
- Arab world country can send application for international search authority (ISA) and international permanently examination authority (IPEA) on ftp server through our website
- Saudi Patent Office sent the ISA application to be searched in EGYPO.
- EGYPO examined 98 applications for Oman Patent office under GCC agreement .
Availability of the application dossier in electronic form
Applicant can download application from our website:
in word format and fill it after that copy the application on CD or DVD and registration at EGYPO receiving office
Classification1, preclassification2 (if applicable), reclassification3 activities; classification systems used (e.g., International Patent Classification (IPC)); matters concerning indexing of patent information
Patent applications are classified into the latest edition of the International Patent Classification. As of 1 January 2006, the examiners implemented the use of IPC 8 (reformed).
Abstracting, reviewing, and translation of the information contained in patent documents
Bibliographic data, abstracts and full text of Egyptian national application (checked by examiners) can be searched on the Egyptian Patent Office database and all the other relevant databases.
Other activities
Main types of publications of the Office (patent applications, full text, first pages, abstracts, bibliographic data, granted patents, etc.), medium (on paper, on CDs, online - URLs)
we have searchable database for Egyptian granted patent with two language Arabic and English on our website on this two links for Arabic search and for English
Official Gazettes: main types of announcements, frequency of publication, medium (on paper, on CDs, online - URL), etc.
The Egyptian patent office publishes two journals as follows
- The Egyptian Patent Gazette
- The Egyptian Patent Abstracts
These publications are published every month, and we send them to the Universities, Ministries, Industrial companies, and Research institutes in Egypt.
These publications are available every month on our website on this links for Patent Gazette and Patent Abstracts and this link for Inpadoc
Information products and patent document collections (coverage, medium, etc.) available to examiners, including external collections and databases
In-house systems (online/offline)
Technical searching can be carried out on combination of terms from different headings. IPC terms can be searched too.
To assist with IPC classification, examiners have access to IPC CAT .
External databases:
We have a list of some external databases that we use regularly, including Espace net, JAPIO, USPTO, SIPO,EPOQUE , KIPO,SIPO, and Patent scope.
Information products and patent document collections (coverage, medium, etc.) available to external users, conditions of access (e.g., free of charge, subscription, etc.)
We have searchable database for Egyptian granted patent with two language Arabic and English for free on our website on this two links for Arabic search and for English
We publish the The Egyptian Patent Gazette and The Egyptian Patent Abstracts on our website any external user can download them for free from these link
Legal status information (kind of information, coverage, medium, etc.)
The Egyptian patent office stores all the information concerning the legal status and technical documents on the Egyptian database to facilitate the search procedures and assists clients to obtain all the required information.
Other sources
Specific software tools supporting business procedures within the Office: general description, characteristics, advantages, possible improvements
- Current standard desktop software includes Microsoft Windows XP, win 7 and win8 with Microsoft Office 2007 and adobe acrobat professional 8 and Symantec antivirus .
- All office action is done on the application or Patent Produced Automatically from our data base as word processing.
- We check all patent abstracts provided by the applicant besides amending them when necessary to ensure that the abstract represents a useful search tool .
- We use these tools :
- Windows Server 2008
- Windows Server 2012
- Windows 7 & 8
- WIPO Scan Software
- IPAS buplisher
- Microsoft office 2007 &2003
- Adobe acrobat professional 8
- Abby transformer
- Symantec untivurse
Hardware used to supporting business processes of the Office
No. | Item Descriptions | Qty. |
1 | Dell Racking System | 1 |
2 | Del Power Edge R710 Server & del power edge server 730 | 8 |
3 | Managed Power over Ethernet Switch (24 Ports ) + SFPS | 8 |
4 | Pc Dell T1600 ,Dell 980 and hp | 200 |
5 | HP Laser Jet 3010 Printer | 4 |
6 | Xerox work center 5325 | 5 |
7 | Fortigat 300 c firewall | 2 |
8 | Media storage 14 tire | 1 |
12 | EPOQUE NET and 4 pc |
Internal databases: coverage, updates, interlinks with external sources
- The Egyptian patent office has a data base containing the Egyptian applications and granted patents.
- The office has a DVD and CD-ROM collections containing published/granted patents for US, WO, EP, GB, etc.
- We used paper, Microfilm, Microfilm jackets, tapes, HD, and DVD as mass storage for our Applications and Patents. Egyptian patent specifications are published on CD-ROM and on the Egyptian database.
- This database contains bibliographic and status information about invention patent applications filed in Egypt.
Establishment and maintenance of electronic search file: file building, updating, storage, documents from other offices included in the search file
- Each examiner built his own search file to reuse in case examining a similar application
- We have a list of some external databases that we use regularly, including Espace net, JAPO, USPTO, SIPO, Epoque and Patent scope and Journals ( SCIENCE DIRECT, SCOPUS, SPRINGER LINK, IEEE XPLORE, EBSCO, OVID, PROQUEST).
Administrative management electronic systems (register, legal status, statistics, and administrative support)
- EGYPO is starting with WIPO to use the new system Industrial Property Automation System (IPAS) and the office is a pilot with WIPO.
- EGYPO is starting with WIPO to digitization, such as WIPO Scan system. We replaced EPOSCAN system by WIPO SCAN
- EGYPO applies effectively the Automated IP Management Software IPAS system supported by WIPO. IPAS is a fully automated system that includes the following steps :
- Registering patent applications, substantive examination, technical and legal examinations, granting patents, issuing official gazettes. Inquiries, statistics, and annual fees. All applications documents in paper form are scanned on the automatic archive system. Then the documents forms are adjusted according to WIPO standers and connected to the bibliographic database.
- Patent applications that are received on paper form are scanned and use WIPO SCAN SYSTEM After scanning step, the application contents are indexed and transformed to WIPO standard form, then the application is connected to the bibliographic database through IPAS by its number as PDF. All bibliographic data and attached documents are available to EGYPO officers to carry on the necessary procedures via IPAS , and search is conducted by patent number.
- Title of invention, name of applicant, and abstract, external users can access to granted patents only via EGYPO website.
- Technical examiners have access to all up-to-date PC sets with high internet speed to enable them to do their work with high quality.
Other matters
Planning, administration, automation, security:
- Replace our network and upgrade it .
- Speed up application reception.
- Speedup application communication.
- Simplify and speedup processing.
- Reduce bottleneck at reception.
- Full e-filing & e-payment system for applications and digital signature.
- Monitoring system for follow-up application processing.
- Create a Disaster Recovery system .
- Update security system
Patent library: equipment, collection management, network of patent libraries in the country, cooperation with foreign patent libraries
- The Egyptian patent office has a data base containing the Egyptian applications and granted patents.
- The office has a DVD and CD-ROM collections containing published/granted patents for US, WO, EP, GB, etc.
- This database contains bibliographic and status information about invention patent applications filed in Egypt
- We scan the all contains of application paper form (full text Arabic & English , claims, drawing and priority documents) and connected with database.
We have storage media to make backup for Database, archive system, mail server, web site and domain controller
Publications related to different business procedures and patent information sources available to users, for example, books, brochures, Internet publications, etc.
We publish a Manual for Filing Patent Application on our website on this link :
Office's initiatives on providing foreign patent information in the local language(s) (e.g., machine translation tools, translation of abstracts)
Cooperation with universities, research centers, technology and innovation support centers, etc.
Training Courses
- Two Training Courses have been organized by 14 IP trainers from the National IP Academy in the frame of TICO Leader learning in the field of IP , Patent system and prior art search. The course addressed 40 trainees, working at TICO. The Lectures have been given by 13 EGYPO Technical and Legal Examiners and Technical Information Department Manager.
- Holding Training program for Saudi Patent Office examiners affiliated to GCC Cooperation Program.
- Offering intellectual property Scholarship in Helwan University for 10 EGYPO employee for the study year 2015/2016
- Giving Training course for Pharma -Alexandria factory.
- Giving a lecture about EGYPO during a workshop titled" applied scientific approach to leading business" holding under the umbrella of the Woman National Council.
- Arranging Training course in cooperation with WIPO for activating e-teaching program DL-101 according to the Egyptian Law.
- A visit by Senior officers from EGYPO to Danish Patent Office for acknowledging about the updated automation system supported by EU Commission.
- Giving primary English course for 13 EGYPO employees and advanced one for 18 EGYPO employees.
- Giving ICDL course for 4 EGYPO employees.
Education and training: training courses, e-learning modules (URLs), seminars, exhibitions, etc.
- Holding a workshop for the second batch of the National IP Academy trainers. The workshop addressed 12 members working at EGYPO and Egyptian Trademark office.
- Holding a workshop for EGYPO technical examiners at pharmaceutical sector, in order to upgrading their technical performance.
- Holding a workshop for mutual support in Intellectual Property Rights concerning patents between EGYPO and Danish Patent Office.
- Holding a PCT regional workshop for Arab Countries for Agdeer group
- Hosting the first workshop for Agadeer member state in the field of substantive examination for application applied in Agadeer group patent offices . The Egyptian Examiners experts were transfer their experience with Agdeer group.
- A regional Workshop on PCT for 10 Arab States has been organized by EGYPO and WIPO.
- Participation of 3 technical examiners in "Enbse Reaxys" seminar at Egyptian National Information Network.
- Seminar for research , development and patents regarding pharmaceutical sector in Mansoura University.
- Participating in seminar titled "Requirements and criteria for submitting drugs, natural extracts and nutrition supplement patent applications" at National Center Research-Egypt.
Internal Conference
- Participating in the fourth international Euro Mediterranean conference for natural products and drug discovery.
- Continuing the sessions, holding by Mr. Gary Smith, aiming at specifying the EGYPO needs for the twinning program with EPO.
Holding discussion between technical expert from EU Delegation , EGPO officers, patent attorneys, and focal points' representatives at EGYPO, to set our needs for creating twinning fiche with EU
Other activities
Quality Management Systems
International exchange and sharing of patent information in machine-readable form, e.g., priority documents, bibliographic data, abstracts, search reports, full text information
- Signing a mutual Memorandum of Understanding between EGYPO and JAPO, aiming at exchanging experiences, supporting EGYPO employee training, exceeding the examination of PCT Patent applications "PPH"
- Studying a mutual Memorandum of Understanding between EGYPO and SIPO, aiming at exceeding the examination of PCT Patent applications "PPH"
- Complete writing Twinning Fiche project in order to contribute to the approximation of the Egyptian primary legislation being in force with the EU Acquis, to reform EGYPO workflow from semi automated to full automated system, and to strengthen the technical and institutional capacities to be in line with EU respective patent offices. 3 phases of the project have been done as following; Assessment and gap analysis of EGYPO and preparation of the report, followed by Finalization of the Twinning Fiche or Terms of Reference then capacity building workshop on IP Marketing.
- Increasing PCT applications up to 49 ones; 15 applications submitted by Saudi Patent Office , one submitted by IB and 33 submitted by Egyptians.
Participation in international or regional activities and projects related to patent information
- Participation in Geneva exhibition the Egyptian inventors gained 7golden prize, 3silver and 5bronze
- Participation in Germany exhibition "IENA 2015", as 4 Egyptian inventors have participated and gained two golden prize, two silver and one bronze.
- 15 Egyptian inventors have participated in the second Cairo International Exhibition of Innovation 2015.
- Meeting of International Authorities under the Patent Cooperation Treaty PCT (PCT/MIA), twenty second session-Japan one officer
- International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP)- America one officer
- inaugural meeting of the Comesa intellectual Property Committee-Kenya two officer
- WIPO training Course For Patent Examiners on Specified Technology (Pharmaceutical)- Japan one officer
- the international exhibition of invention- Geneva two officer
- Regional Workshop for Arab and Middle East Countries on Intellectual Property and Public Policy-Kuwait one officer
- PATLIB session of Patent Information Conference- Germany two officer
- A Comprehensive Training workshop on Intellectual Property. -China two officer
- twenty-eighth session of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Committee for Technical Cooperation (CTC) Geneva two officer
- WIPO-CIPO Executive Workshop on the Application of Management Techniques in the Delivery of IP Services -Canada one officer
- the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Working Group, session no. 8- Geneva - one officer
- twenty-eighth session of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Committee for Technical Cooperation (CTC)- Geneva-one officer
Advanced Training Course on Patent Documentation and Information-Vine -one officer
The JPO/IPR Training Course for IP Practitioners- Japan- one officer
The Standing Committee on the Law of Patents ( SCP ), at its twenty-second session- Geneva -one officer
Training Course on Patent Procedures-Norway- one officer
WIPO training Course on the Examination of Industrial Property Examination - intermediate/Advanced Program -Japan - one officer
IPC Union - Assembly: Thirty- Sixth Session- Geneva- one office
TAIEX Study visit on On-line Services Provided by Patent Office-Denmark- three officer
Patent Information Conference- Denmark- two officer
Training Course on the Industrial Property Examination - intermediate/Advanced Program - Japan- one officer
PCT Union-Assembly: Forty-Seventh Session- Geneva- one officer
Advanced Training Course on Patent Search and Examination in the field of Biotechnology- Melisa- one officer
Meeting for Heads of Industrial Property office of Arab countries- Jordan -
Training of Trainers of the Azerbaijani Intellectual Property (IP)-Azerbaijan- one officer
Assistance to developing countries
Other activities
Number of applications (national / PCT) chosen randomly per month
Month | Jan | Feb | Mar | April | May | June | July | Aug | Sep | Oct
| Nov | Dec |
Total No. Application | 4 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 6 | 3 | 6 | 4 |
National | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 1 |
PCT | 3 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 3 |
Number of applications (corrected / complete) according to QSRC
Month | Jan | Feb | Mar | April | May | June | July | Aug | Sep | Oct
| Nov | Dec |
Total No. Application | 4 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 6 | 3 | 6 | 4 |
Corrected | 2 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 3 |
Complete | 2 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 1 |
1.Classification is allotting one or more classification symbols (e.g., IPC symbols) to a patent application, either before or during search and examination, which symbols are then published with the patent application.
2. Preclassification is allotting an initial broad classification symbol (e.g., IPC class or subclass, or administrative unit) to a patent application, using human or automated means for internal administrative purposes (e.g., routing an application to the appropriate examiner). Usually preclassification is applied by the administration of an office.
3. Reclassification is the reconsideration and usually the replacement of one or more previously allotted classification symbols to a patent document, following a revision and the entry into force of a new version of the Classification system (e.g., the IPC). The new symbols are available on patent databases.