What are the primary differences between WIPO ST.25 and WIPO ST.26?
WIPO ST.25 | WIPO ST.26 |
ASCII .txt with numeric identifiers | XML with elements and attributes |
Not required to include: -D-amino acids -Linear portions of branched sequences -Nucleotide analogs | Must include: -D-amino acids -Linear portions of branched sequences -Nucleotide analogs |
Annotation of sequences: -Feature keys only | Annotation of sequences: - Feature keys and qualifiers |
Permitted to include sequences: -< 10 specifically defined nucleotides -< 4 specifically defined amino acids | Prohibited sequences: -< 10 specifically defined nucleotides - < 4 specifically defined amino acids |
ALL priority application information may be included | ONLY the earliest priority application can be included |
ALL applicant and inventor names may be included | ONLY one applicant AND optionally ONE inventor may be included |
One invention title permitted | Multiple invention titles permitted, each one in a different language |
Applicant/inventor names and invention titles must be in basic Latin characters | Applicant/inventor names may be included using any valid Unicode character along with a basic Latin translation or transliteration |
Sequences identified as DNA, RNA, or PRT only | Sequences identified as DNA, RNA, or AA along with a mandatory mol_type qualifier to further describe the molecule |
Organism names: -Latin genus/species -Virus name -“artificial sequence” -“unknown” | Organisms names: - Latin genus/species - Virus name -“synthetic construct” -“unidentified” |
“u” represents uracil in nucleotide sequences | “t” represents uracil in RNA sequences and thymine in DNA sequences |
Amino acid sequences represented by three letter abbreviations | Amino acid sequences represented by one letter abbreviations |
“n” and “Xaa” variables must have a definition provided in a feature | Default value assumed for “n” and “X” variables with no definition |
Feature location format not clearly defined | Strictly defined feature location formats; permits use of “<” and “>” in all sequence types, and “^”, “join”, “order”, and “complement” in nucleotide sequences |
“Mixed mode” sequences permitted – nucleotide sequence with amino acid translation shown below | NO “mixed mode”; nucleotide translations are included in “translation” qualifiers only |