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1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

Similarity search is conducted by WIPO provided IPAS software. But list of signs mentioned in Article 6ter of the Paris Convention, viz armorial bearings, flags, emblems other than those protected under Article 6ter of Paris Convention, list of Geographical Indication, list of Appellations of origin registered under Lisbon Agreement etc. is under way to implement.

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

CA/Canada | st64

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

CIPO is in compliance with this standard as far as content is concerned (as applicable). This information is available via an online search solution and not through physical (paper) search files.

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones)

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

No se ha contemplado aún en los proyectos de organización documental.

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

CZ/Czechia | st64

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

DE/Germany | st64

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

At the time this standard was written, such data existed only on paper file and CD-ROM. Assuming that this standard can be applied to a modern IT environment, we are fully conform.

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

 No plans to implement. EAPO activities do not cover this IP subject matter.

4. Comments (optional)

EC/Ecuador | st64

1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones)

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

Toda la información respecto a marcas se encuentra debidamente sistematizada aplicando las normas técnicas que aplican.  En los siguientes programas informáticos denominados: SIPI, ALFRESCO, PORTAL BONITTA y BUSCADOR FONÉTICO.

a)      Los ficheros de las marcas registradas por la oficina de propiedad industrial, si la legislación aplicable establece la denegación o anulación del registro de una marca que sea idéntica o similar a una marca cuya fecha de registro preceda la fecha de presentación o, cuando resulte aplicable, la fecha de prioridad de la marca posterior destinada a productos o servicios idénticos o similares a los de la marca anterior; (SI APLICA)

b)      los ficheros de solicitudes de marcas presentadas en la oficina de propiedad industrial, si la legislación aplicable establece la denegación o anulación del registro de una marca que sea idéntica o similar a una marca cuya fecha de registro preceda la fecha de presentación o, cuando resulte aplicable, la fecha de prioridad de la marca posterior destinada  productos o servicios idénticos o similares a los de la marca anterior; (SI APLICA)

c)      los ficheros de solicitudes de marca o de marcas registradas en virtud de un acuerdo regional si el país es parte en dicho acuerdo y en la medida en que dichos registros o presentaciones en virtud del acuerdo regional sean tomados en consideración de conformidad con la legislación aplicable; (SE aplica la normativa pero no se encuentra sistematizado, CARGA A PRUEBA DEL SOLICITANTE)

d)     los ficheros de registros internacionales de marcas en virtud del Arreglo de Madrid relativo al Registro Internacional de Marcas y el Protocolo concerniente al Arreglo de Madrid relativo al Registro Internacional de Marcas, si se hizo la extensión de la protección a este país; ; (NO SE APLICA PORQUE NO SOMOS PAÍS MIEMBRO)

e)      los listados de los signos protegidos en virtud del Artículo 6ter del Convenio de París; (SE APLICA LA NORMATIVA PERO NO SE ENCUENTRA SISTEMATIZADO TIENEN QUE LAS PARTES PRESENTAR LAS PRUEBAS CORRESPONDIENTES)

f)       el listado de los escudos de armas, las banderas, los emblemas que no sean aquellos protegidos en virtud del Artículo 6ter del Convenio de París, preparado por la autoridad competente, en caso de que la legislación aplicable prevea la denegación o anulación del registro de una marca que incluya dichos signos; (NO APLICA)

g)      el listado de las indicaciones geográficas que estén protegidas en virtud de acuerdos bilaterales o regionales relativos de la protección de las indicaciones geográficas, si el país es parte en dicho acuerdo o si la legislación aplicable prevé la denegación o anulación del registro de una marca que sea idéntica o similar a tales indicaciones; (SI APLICA, SIEMPRE CUANDO ESTAS SE ENCUENTREN RECONOCIDAS O REGISTRADAS EN EL SENADI)

h)      el listado de las denominaciones de origen registradas en virtud del Arreglo de Lisboa relativo a la Protección de las Denominaciones de Origen y su Registro Internacional, si el país es parte en dicho arreglo o si la legislación aplicable prevé la denegación o anulación del registro de una marca que sea idéntica o similar a tales indicaciones; (SI APLICA, SIEMPRE CUANDO ESTAS SE ENCUENTREN RECONOCIDAS O REGISTRADAS EN EL SENADI)

i)        el listado de las Denominaciones Comunes Internacionales para Sustancias Farmacéuticas, publicado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), si la legislación aplicable establece la denegación o anulación del registro de una marca que sea idéntica o similar a dichas denominaciones;(NO APLICA NO SE CUENTA CON UNA BASE INSTITUCIONAL INTERNA, LOS ANALISTAS CONSULTAN EN LA BASE DE DATOS DE LA OMS)

j)        el listado de nombres genéricos de pesticidas y otros productos agroquímicos, publicado por la Organización Internacional de Normalización (ISO), si la legislación aplicable establece la denegación o anulación del registro de una marca que sea idéntica o similar a dichos nombres; (NO APLICA)

k)      el listado de nombres de las variedades vegetales registradas en el país, si la legislación aplicable prevé la denegación o anulación del registro de una marca que sea idéntica o similar al nombre de una variedad vegetal registrada por la autoridad competente del país (SI APLICA, SE COORDINA CON LA DIRECCIÓN DEL OBTENCIONES VEGETALES PARA OBTENER LA INFORMACIÓN DE LAS VARIEDADES VEGETALES).

l)        el listado de los nombres de personas, empresas o instituciones publicado por las autoridades competentes o por organizaciones del país (por ejemplo, el registro comercial y el anuario de teléfono), si la legislación aplicable prevé la denegación o anulación del registro de una marca que, sin el consentimiento correspondiente se refiera al nombre o apellido de un individuo en particular, de una empresa o una institución (SI APLICA);

m)    las referencias generales (enciclopedias, diccionarios, manuales técnicos, revistas y otras publicaciones de esa naturaleza), si la legislación aplicable establece la denegación o anulación del registro de una marca que sea idéntica o similar a un nombre común, al nombre de un lugar geográfico o similar. (SI APLICA)

Nuestras bases de datos de marcas se encuentran en constante actualización conforme el ingreso de trámites.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

The page EM/EUIPO was not found  -- Please check/update the page name used in the MultiExcerpt-Include macro

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

N.B. Patent Office do not implement

ES/Spain | st64

1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones)

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

GE/Georgia | st64

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones)

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

HR/Croatia | st64

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly: 

See ST.64. /5./a, b, c, …

Search files needed from the point of view of national legislation do exist and are updated.

Standard ST.64. /5./a: Files of trademarks registered by the industrial property office… - Completely implemented

Standard ST.64. /5./b: Files of trademark applications which were filed with the industrial property office… - Completely implemented

Standard ST.64. /5./c: Files of trademark applications or trademarks registered under a regional agreement… - Not implemented. Office doesn't plan to implement

Standard ST.64. /5./d: Files of international registrations of marks under the Madrid Agreement… - Completely implemented

Standard ST.64. /5./e: List of signs protected under Article 6ter of the Paris Convention… - Not implemented. Office doesn't plan to implement

Standard ST.64. /5./f: List of armorial bearings, flags, emblems… - Not implemented. Office doesn't plan to implement

Standard ST.64. /5./g: List of geographical indications… - Not implemented. Office doesn't plan to implement. Not completely under jurisdiction of SIPO. The proceedings for geographical indications and designations and designations of origin for foodstuffs (food) and wine is carried on at the Ministry of Agriculture.

Standard ST.64. /5./h: List of appellations of origin registered under the Lisbon Agreement… - Not implemented. Office doesn't plan to implement. Not completely under jurisdiction of SIPO. The proceedings for geographical indications and designations of origin for foodstuffs (food) and wine is carried on at the Ministry of Agriculture.

Standard ST.64. /5./i: List of International Nonproprietary Names (INN) for Pharmaceutical Substances… - Not implemented. Office doesn't plan to implement

Standard ST.64. /5./j: List of Common Names for Pesticides and Other Agrochemicals… - Not implemented. Office doesn't plan to implement

Standard ST.64. /5./k: List of names of plant varieties registered in the country… - Not implemented. Office doesn't plan to implement

Standard ST.64. /5./l: List of names of persons, companies and institutions… - Not implemented. Office doesn't plan to implement

Standard ST.64. /5./m: General references (encyclopedia, dictionary, technical handbooks, journals and other publications of this kind)… - Partly implemented. Update depends on financial resources available.

Standard ST.64. /6.: … well-known marks … - Not implemented. Office doesn't plan to implement

Standard ST.64. /7.: … automated system for search files … - Completely implemented

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

HU/Hungary | st64

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

IL/Israel | st64

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

IT/Italy | st64

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

Only principal recommendations

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

JP/Japan | st64

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

MX/Mexico | st64

1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones)

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

Se tiene en vigor y actualizada la información a través del portal de Búsqueda "Marcanet"

OM/Oman | st64

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

Trademarks are handled by Ministry of Commerce and Investment, while SPO handle patents, industrial designs, plant varieties and layout designs of integrated circuits.

SE/Sweden | st64

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

IPO SR does not keep the following files for trademark search as recommended in the paragraphs j), k), l) of the Standard ST.64:

- List of Common Names for Pesticides and Other Agrochemicals issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

 - List of names of plant varieties registered in Slovak Republic

- List of names of individuals and legal entities (e.g., business register).

Names of agrochemicals, plant varieties and business names are not considered as a reason for the opposition against the registration.

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones)

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

Se estudiaría si en un futuro se adopta esta norma

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

TN/Tunisia | st64

1. La norme est‑elle appliquée dans la pratique de votre office ou de votre organisation? (Veuillez choisir une des options)

  • Complètement
  • Partiellement
  • Non

2. Si vous avez répondu “Partiellement”, expliquez brièvement en quoi consiste la pratique de votre office ou de votre organisation

3. Si la réponse est “Non”, votre office ou votre organisation prévoit‑il d’appliquer la norme?

4. Commentaires (facultatif)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

UA/Ukraine | st64

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

No. Irrelevant at present.

4. Comments (optional)

UG/Uganda | st64

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

The Office maintains registers with the recommended information but not all the recommended information.

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

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